*15-The Dummies, Chase and Amy...

Start from the beginning

It first started out as a bubble deep within me but soon it turned into a giggle followed by full blown laughter, I laughed so hard I bent over. “You couldn’t be farther off base. I was a tomboy, omg! Cheerleader, I didn’t discover make up until prom.” I told him, still laughing.

“Are you serious, you the beautiful Gracie Watson, the one three guys are fighting over right this minute?” he asked, he sounded genuinely disbelieving.

“Yes, me, and these guys never fought over me before.” I told him, frowning at the reminder. Stupid fools. 

“I sensed a long and complicated story behind all of that that was happening back there. It’s complicated isn’t?” he asked, as if sensing the direction of my thoughts before I gave him a nod. It was indeed complicated.

“Want to talk about it?” he asked, his voice sympathetic. “I would, but I don’t think it’s a good idea to spill your life story on the biggest client of your company, not to mention I just met you.”

“Well, you don’t have to worry about that, the deal is already done, it was way before I shared that mind blowing dance with you” he said quickly when I gave him a sharp look. “Like I said before, you’re the best, I only want the best, and strangers are usually really good listeners”. He concluded.

I smiled, “Guess that’s why they have shrinks.” I laughed and he gave me another one of his wonder looks. When he just stared deep within my eyes and seemed like he was seeing my soul.

I shuddered at the feeling, it was unnerving and exciting.

We were almost to the corner and I was just opening my mouth to unload on him when we heard the desperate voice pleading for help.

“Please, just give me a little more time, I promise I will have it by the end of the week.” The girl pleaded grabbing the old man’s arm.

“That’s what you said last time, young lady. I can’t do this anymore, I’m sorry but I have to kick you out.”

“Please, I don’t have anywhere else to go, I’m pregnant, please don’t do this.” She pleaded, I instantly felt bad, life just wasn’t fair at all.

Chase and I both stopped dead in our tracks listening. Then as if in trance we moved forward together approaching the girl and the old man.

“I’m sorry, I can’t help you.” The old man said before walking away. The girl turned around then, huffing and sniffing. She was trying  not to cry but all she wanted to do was sit down right there on the street and bawl her eyes out. I felt my heart ached for her. I squinted further as I got close to her and noticed her!

It was Amy! The girl that I was filling in for before I found out Victor had already fired her.

“Amy?” I called. She looked up, her eyes so sad I flinched. She sniffed and wiped her tears away. “Yes” she answered.

“Hi, I’m Gracie, you worked at my Dad’s restaurant, is everything ok?” I knew it wasn’t but I didn’t want her to shut down if she found out we have been eves dropping.

“Oh hi, yes, well not anymore I have been fired for two weeks now”. She mumbled. She seemed to shrink into herself more. She was so damn tiny and only wore a thin t-shirt and jeans. Dirty sneakers covered her tiny dainty feet. Her expressive blues eyes lost all sparkle and her hair was in a ponytail, a small suit case, almost like a carry on laid by her feet.

“Yes, I just found out, I couldn’t help but overhear that you don’t have a place to go, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to over listen but I have a free bedroom and a waitress spot at my restaurant.” I offered.

Hoping she would accept, there was just something about her that grabbed at me. She was so small and couldn’t be older than 20 and already she was dealing with life’s curve balls.

Her face lit up like a candle instantly. “Yes, I would love that, is that ok though with Victor because he didn’t really like me that much. Oh! And I could get my apartment back, well, not the actual room, maybe I could live in the basement If get a second job. And I am over sharing, I’m sorry it’s just been a really long bad couple of days.” She smiled.

“Yes, its fine, Victor isn’t there anymore and I’m in charge.” She smiled again, her cheeks turned pink and color returned to her face.

I smiled back, glad something good came out this day other me wanting to jump the bones of my client to be.

“You look like you haven’t eaten today, how about you go get something at restaurant, tell them I sent you and it’s on the house and I will right back and we can take you home.” I told her. She made me feel protective over her, like a little sister I needed to protect.

 “Oh! Wow, you don’t have to do all that; I really don’t want to trouble you.” She squirmed and bounced from foot to foot, nervous.

I smiled, “It’s no bother, please go have anything you want.” She smiled back and nodded before picking the suit case up and walking down the street. “Thank you again so much” she called after us.

“Beautiful and generous, your just full of surprises aren’t you Gracie Watson” Chase said behind me. I felt his breath on my neck and shivered, he was making it really hard not to jump him.


Unbroken  SHIFTER'S HEART: EDITING IN PROGRESSWhere stories live. Discover now