It didn't take long to get to my house, as Billy pulled up he looked over at me.

"You going to be okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm gonna go have a bath and drink a shitload of peppermint tea. Forget this day ever happened." I joked.

"Call me if you need anything."

"Thanks Bill." I gave him a small smile before heading in and to bed.

I just wanted to forget about this day...

The next morning.

I wondered if anyone else got into bed and presumed that sleep would fix all their problems? I know I did and guess what?

It didn't.

To be honest? I wanted to crawl back into my bed and forget the world but I needed to get a grip on myself. I had managed all this time alone, just because I fell into bed with Zak once doesn't mean I need to lose my shit.

With that I fixed my attitude and headed into the office.  Not that I particularly wanted to, but the info pack for the next lockdown won't make itself to my hands.

The drive over was slow, almost inhumanely slow but to pass the time I sang along to the radio and looked on tinder for a date.

Hasty?  Yes.

Necessary? No.

Rebounding? Absolutely.

Flicking through I saw a guy called Luke, 30. Abs, 6 pack, blonde hair.

"Hello Handsome." I swiped right and put my phone down to drive a few feet forward.

After almost an hour in traffic, I made it into work and headed to the office. With nobody there I pulled a sour face and slipped into my own office shutting the rest of them out.

Zak could post it under the damn door.



A father? Me? What the hell did I know about looking after a child? I couldn't work out how the hell this had happened. I was careful! I was so damn careful!

"Mr Bagans?" A voice spoke pulling me out of my trance.

I blinked to see the receptionist looking at me holding a padded envelope "Are you okay?" She asked.

"Fine. Thank you." I answered taking it before slipping into the elevator. As the door closed I leant against the back of the elevator and looked at my reflection.

The bags under my eyes were evident, I couldn't concentrate to shave.

A baby! How was I suppose to tell my mom? What if I drop it on its head?!

Once the doors opened I stepped out and swiped into the office, pushing it closed I made my way to my office when I paused hearing music.

"Hello?" I spoke waiting for Aaron or Billy to appear. But when they didn't my eyes fell on Robyn's office.

My body went to her, I wanted to see her face.. I needed to talk to her.

Leave her alone.. you have done enough.

Speak to her...

Leave h-

I walked into her office and stopped, not because I saw her but because I heard her properly for the first time. With her back to me, I moved inside and closed the door quietly.

"I can love, with all of my heart baby. I know I have so much to give. With a player like you, I don't have a prayer. That's no way to live, yeah oh, mmm no. It's just a little too late.."

My mind went back to when we laid in the RV and I teased her not to ruin the song when she sang. But now? This?

Turning she screamed making us both jump "What the he-" She stopped the music before continuing.

"What the hell are you doing creeping around?!" She shouted holding her hand over her heart.

"I'm sorry."

Her face faltered before she took a breather. "No harm done, just didn't hear you."

"I didn't mean th-"

"I know what you meant.. Zak just.. Sit down." She pointed to the couch.

Hoping to salvage something I sat instantly looking at her "I need you to listen.. You can have your say straight after. I promise I will listen but please let me get this off my chest."

I nodded waiting.

"I think we need to stop whatever we ar- whatever we were doing."

I opened my mouth to reject when she held up her hand, "You need to concentrate on being a father. I will support you and be there for you Zak. But only as a friend, I can't.. I can't be involved. We knew it would be risky, hell we are both a flight risk being together. The fire alarm 12 years ago was our first warning. I think it's best that we stop before this gets any further."

Yet again I was sat here listening to another woman tell me why we wouldn't work out, only this time the problem was me. And that hurt.

"Sounds like you've already made your mind up." I replied.

She shrugged "It's for the best isn't it?" She asked.

"Why ask me? You've already made the choice." I answered standing up. Seeing hurt fill her face I looked away. "I'll see you in a couple days."

"Zak.." She whispered.

I hated myself a whole lot more hearing how upset she sounded. But I couldn't just walk away from her, not willingly and I guess she knew that deep down which had led her to this move. I left her office and closed the door behind me.

Looking at the padded envelope, I threw it on the ground and left the office as the rejection hit me like a freight train.

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