| Chapter V || Demons Be Cruising Here |

Start from the beginning

A feeling of intense discomfort rose up in me because I knew I couldn't be here. It felt wrong.

"Yes please," I said, looking at Annabeth.

She didn't seem too bothered that we were hiding in a girls' restroom. I guess that was fine since she was a girl, but she also didn't seem too bothered that we - three boys - were all in there with her and we were uncomfortable, and that was what made me angry.

"Okay, Let's go..." Annabeth paused, peaking out of the restroom through the crack in the door. I guess the hinges were broken because it didn't quite close all the way.

"Now!" she whispered, darting out of the room.

We quickly followed behind her, footsteps silent, except for Tyson. Soon, Luke came into view up ahead. His back was just disappearing behind a fancy red door.

The door slammed behind him. We pressed ourselves around the corner from it, our heads only peaking out as much as we needed. I had to admit, the door was fancy. The room was probably fancier. It was smooth red-painted wood with golden etchings and a golden plaque marking it as the 'Admiralty Suite'.

We heard slight muttering behind the door and curved ourselves back around the corner, hidden to everyone but ourselves.

"Annabeth." Grover started cautiously, worried that she'd snap at him. "How are we going to hear what they have to say if we can't get any closer without the risk of getting caught?"

Annabeth ignored him. She had such a look of thought on her face that I bet she didn't even hear him.

Suddenly, Tyson answered all of our problems. "-the prophecy ourselves. The fools won't know which way to turn."

I nearly jumped out of my socks before I remembered that Tyson was a cyclops, and all cyclopes could imitate voices. It was almost like Luke was standing right next to us, it was so real. Looking at him, I saw his expression changing fluidly, his eye closed in deep concentration.

Tyson spoke again, this time in a deeper, gruffer voice. I recognized it as the person Luke was talking to earlier. "You really think the old horseman is gone for good?"

"Stop! Stop it, Tyson!" Annabeth yelled suddenly.

This time, I actually did jump. The hairs on my arms stood on end. As soon as the hairs on my neck did the same, I knew it wasn't Annabeth's shout that was making me tense.

"We gotta get out of here," I said, grabbing Tyson, who'd just opened his eye. I grabbed Annabeth as well, knowing that Grover had the higher chance of following me without the use of force. Annabeth... not so much.

I ran down the hall, fleeing our corner, but I was too late. They'd heard Annabeth's scream and were on us in seconds.

"Well, well, well, we've got ourselves some stowaways cap'n." the gruff voice said.

My eyes swiveled around to a hairy beast of a man. He stood tall, but hunched, sharp, bristly stalks shooting out on his back like spines. His hands were huge and gnarled, more hair covered the backs of them, his palms deeply calloused.

His face was the most horrifying, though. He seemed to had it set on 'permanent scowl' mode because the lines were etched deep and he wore it pretty well. There was a slight tuft of fur running over his lips and up the bridge of his nose, leading into his bushy unibrow. His chin was wide and square, perfect for the two long fangs overlapping from his bottom jaw.

Call me stupid, but the first thing I said was, "That's one Hades of an underbite you got there, dude. Do you want me to hook you up with my orthodontist? I bet he does monsters, too." There was no way he wasn't a monster. He wasn't one I recognized, but he was definitely not human or demigod.

The bear-man growled, spraying us with spittle. Annabeth cringed. Grover shivered. I did both. Tyson didn't seem to be bothered by it. Lucky him.

"I see that, Agrius. Now, why don't you invite them inside and we'll have a chat."

I tensed at the voice. A voice that belonged to a face I hated dearly.

I turned.


I growled, nearly mimicking the bear-man - Agrius, apparently. Luke just smirked, making the scar on his cheek twist in the semi-light of the hall.


We entered the admiralty suite and I didn't know whether to be in awe or disgust. It was beautiful, yet it was terrible at the same time.

It had huge curved windows, all lined with golden frames and deep purple curtains. It had lush carpets that felt so wonderful on my feet. It had the most expensive looking furniture, all artfully placed around the room. On the table, there were multiple silver platters, each cloche removed to reveal stacks of roast beef sandwiches, pizza, a six pack of cola, and other foods that you wouldn't usually find on silver platters.

The one thing that didn't fit, though, was the giant golden sarcophagus at the far end of the room in the place of the bed, which was shoved into the far corner, forgotten. It was precariously placed on a velvet dais, ten feet long and four feet high.

It might've fit as a decoration if it weren't for the images adorning the sides. Images of death by the most gruesome imagination. Lots of blood and lots of violence. Definitely rated PG-18, if that was even a thing. (Or, on Olympus, rated P for Periorisménos - restricted. The ones that dad wouldn't let me watch.)

I knew it wasn't a decoration or even a bed. It was the casket of Kronos' remains, brought up from the very depths of Tartarus itself.

"Please, sit," Luke said as he lowered himself onto one of the plush couches, His tone was conversational, totally not matching the expression, which was sinister, to say the least.

"I'd rather stand," I said. I wanted to be ready to defend myself if Luke's monsters attacked.

Luke's eyes darkened. "It's rude to refuse an invitation. I ask again. Sit." His eyes left mine for a fraction of a second to indicate to the couch opposite him.

Annabeth grabbed my hand. "Come on. He never had patience," she hissed in my ear.

I resisted her tug, my eyes still locked with Luke's. "I will politely decline your invitation once again. I'd prefer to stand," I repeated, keeping my voice level.

"Very well," Luke said, his eyes flashing. "Let's barter, shall we?"


Published: Saturday, January 28, 2017


Percy Jackson, the Son of Olympus: The Sea of MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now