That Often Leave Scars

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Katt's P.O.V

*ring ring* 

i hear my phone go off from my room as i blow dry my hair in my bathroom. i quickly run and answer it.

"Hello?" i answer ing a sing songy voice.

"Lexi....please come home...i miss you....i know we got in a big fight but i need you home" the words slur together as beg me, well Lexi to come home. 

God this makes me feel worse.

"Spencer, its Katt. Lexi's-" 

"Please tell Lexi i love her okay? and that i miss her but she can come home anyime she wants" he cuts me off as i hear him bump into a wall on the other side.

"okay, I'll be over soon"

"No i wnt Lexi. i miss her alot" he chuckles slightly "i miss the way her nose curled up slightly when she laughed, they way her hir would gleam in the sunlight after she finished strighting it, how she would sip her coffee in the morning or how every morning she would watch music videos as she cleaned the kitchen after cooking and as she got ready for the day. please tell her i was stupid and need her home" i could feel hi smiling as tears ran down my cheeks.

"I-I'll be over soon." i hang up on him and finish getting ready.

Spencer's P.O.V

i hear a knock at the door as a finish my 7th beer of the day.

when i open the door i see Lexi but with red hair not blonde.

"Lexi! im so happy your home!" i hug my beautiful soon to be wife tightly beathing in her vanilla body spray.

"Spencer I'm not Lexi" her voice creaks slightly as she walks in. th back of her black skirt flows out as she walks showing her beautiful legs and black combat boots.

"yes you are" i smile and try to lean on the floor frame but miss making my world blur slightly but then come back to focus.

"No Im not" she tells me as tears roll down her cheeks. 

"Lex, come down" i sit her on the couch sitting next to her holding her hand tightly.

"Spencer. Im Katt, Lexi died about 2 months ago. But your too drunk to remember. please try to remember." she wipes her tears.

"Im not drunk! im fine!" i angerly grab a new bottle of my favorite beer and chug some down.

"Spencer yes you are. You got kicked of tour from drinking" my mind blanks out as she tells me ass of this. 

I really need my pills. like now.

I stick my hands in my pockets looking for the plastic baggy but i couldnt find it, its probably in the bathroom. I know it is.

It has to be.

"SPENCER! REMEMBER!" Lexi, i mean Katt screams in my face crying. 

"Lexi died?" just then the memory of the car accident and her in the black body bag. every flowed back. tears fill my eyes then run down my cheeks. "I need my Lexi"

"I know hun, i know" Katt grabs my hand tightly. her hands are soft, like Lexi's. I remeber when i would get stressed from writing music or something she would come over and rub my shoulders or hands calming me down. "But shes still alive in are memories. Lexi was a great person."

"You didnt know Lexi! you knew nothing! all you did was kill her!" anger fills my body as i look at the women who killed the love of my life "we were suppose to get married! start a family! BUT NO! BECAUSE YOU FUCKING KILLED HER!"

Katt steps away from me slightly with fear in her eyes.

"Get the fuck out of my life! I never wanted to see you again!"

"B-But Spencer..." she places her hand on my forearm 

"I said get out!" tears run down my cheeks as I open the door for Katt to leave.

"Okay, ill leave. Call me if you need anything" she wipes her tears and mine then leaves.

I need my Lexi. 

I sit in the middle of the living room hugging my knees.

"I need Lexi. I need Lexi. I need Lexi." i repeat over and over again rocking slightly.

Brendon's P.O.V

"oh Melody" I chuckle as my phone goes off. "Ry can you take her" I hand Ryan my princess and pick up my phone which says a uncontacted number.

"Brendon" i female voice on the other end sounds nervous and scared.

"yes. Who's this?" i dont have alot of female friends but the ones i do have are in my phone.

"Its Katt. Remember me from Lexi's death. ya well you need to come home. like nowa" her voice shakes slightly like shes holding back tears.

"Why? What happened?" Ryan looks at me nervously.

"Spencer tried to kill himself" insteadly teard roll down my cheeks. 

"Okay. we'll be a the hospital in about an hour. just say with him and make sure his okay" i hang up the phone and start to pack the diaper bag

"Baby whats going on?" Ryan looks confused as her bounces Melody slightly.

"Spencer tried to kill himself. We gotta go to the hospital." I grab Melody putting her in her car seat handing her a toy and get in the drivers said as my hand shake. 

"It will be pkay, everything will be okay." Ryan grabs my hand kissing the back of it clearing holding back tears. 

I nod and drive to the hospital.

Katt's P.O.V 

I stare at Spencer laying in the hospital bed with a big black and blue burise around his neck. i can hardly look at him. im so happy his neck didnt break but that bruise wont go away from a while. the doctors said he'll have to go to rehab and the LA mental clinc. 

i hear the door click and i see Brendon and Ryan run in. 

Also all my heros in the same room.


"Will he be okay?" Brendon asked me nervously wiping tears from his eyes.

"ya...he just gotta go to rehab and the mental clinc" i play with the bottom of my hair as Brendon and Ryan take a seat in the room.

"wait? how did you know this happened?" Ryan asked as i see Brendon notice the bruise going around spencers neck.

"spencer called me say he needed Lexi and said that he loved you guys but he was sorry.." tears fill my eyes but i blink them away "S-So i ran over to his house. found him hanging from the upstairs fan. Luckily i got him down in time. He didnt break his neck or anything so hes fine." \

Ryan nods and holds Brendon close. calming him down.

just then i realize Spencer almost dying was my fault. If i didnt kill Lexi he wouldnt be laying in this hospital bed.....

do i suck that much? i also killed my hero..

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Authors Note!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


But look out for part 2 of this called Memories i hope you guys will read it because it will wrap up the whole thing. 

i dont know when that will but up but ya look out for it.

oh and that song Mad World i picture playing through the whole thing.

and the picture is what Spencers neck would look like only not with the rope indent because he didnt have fake make up on. lolz

and im sorry for the sad chapter again but i actually wrote this one! YAY! :3 love ya BYE!

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