Lets kill tonight

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Lexi's P.O.V

Damn! I never realize how skinny that man was! I laughed and sat down on the mint green couch next to Spencer. He was in the middle of writing something but I really could see what. I read over he's shoulder to see if I could read the words 'Ever since we met. I only shot up with your perfume, it's the only thing that can make me feel like I'm with you' I wonder what he's doing? Spencer picked up the pen next to the notebook he was writing on and crossed off the last part and changed the words a little to 'makes me feel as good as you do' whatever he was writing was good. I took my mind off of the yellow piece of tattered paper and when back to Brendon and Ryan.

"Lexi so you said that your sister loves us?" Brendon asked

"Well ya if you want to put it that way." I put my hand up the sleeve of the hoody and ran the palm of my hand down the old faded bumpy cuts on my waist and forearm.

"Do you know this one?" He picked up he's guitar leaning agents the white wall close by and started strumming a bit. The song sounded very familiar, it wasn't until he got to the chorus that I realized the song ' He took the days for pageant 'Became as mad as rabbits, With bushels of bad habits, Who could ask for anymore, Yeah, who could have more'

-flash back-

I walked passed the door that from behind was blasting a song I have heard many times before. "BECAME AS MAD AS RABBITS!!!" Laughter left my mouth. Katt can't sing at all, sometimes I think that she can't hear her self but I love when she does sing cause she's always so happy.

"Katt are you almost done?! You have to go to work!" The door flys open, in front of me Katt usually this Miss. I only wear Hot Topic clothes was in black skinny jeans, sneakers with drawings all over it, and a Starbucks shirt on.

"Why do you make me go? You know that i hate my job." she wines as she flops on the couch.

"But this how we get money and all great movie stars have to start out some how" A smile grew on Katt's face.

"True. You know that Will Farewell worked at Starbucks"

"really?" did they have Starbucks back then?

She laughed a very stupid sounding laugh. "No I just wanted to say that" Katt grabbed her phone and keys. "Okay, be good. Don't let anyone in the house except if Brendon Urie or Ryan Ross knock"

"I know I know. Have a nice day at work." She walked to her car and I ran over to the window to watch her leave. I hate how she parks her car. She doesn't pull out she drives out with the front of the car out first. Right as she was about to make the left turn to drive down the stair and huge truck came and hit the car. Katt's little white BMW flipped and turned a couple of times. "KATT!" I ran outside my house over to her car. She was just sitting there lifeless body hair all messed up cuts and blood all over her body. The radio in her car was playing the same song her was listening to earlier but it slowly die till it was complete silence. Tears fell down my eyes and ran back to my room picked up my razor and cuts deep slits on my hips.

-flash back ends-

The memory filled my head and I ran to the bathroom. I rummaged all through their bathroom till I found a razor. The cold mental of the razor sent a chill down my spin as I made a long cut go down the middle of my forearm to my wrist on both arms. Blood started leaving my body. Everything around me got fuzzy. I saw visions on a couple people standing around me talking but I couldn't hear them. Them everything turned balk.

;;;;;;;;authors notes;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 

I know it's short and only stays on Lexi but i just had to put something up. Okay so tell me how you like it. You'll learn so much about Lexi very soon BYE!!!!

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