XI. Movement Between Us

Start from the beginning

Being this close gives Zayn the perfect idea. An idea that he hopes Harry will appreciate and cherish. Zayn mentally comes up with a blueprint of his plans for the evening just for Harry, and maybe to make things official.

If he can't be officially─ whatever label that means more than friends but less than married─ then he will still express his undying love for Harry.

Now he's anxious to start the day because of his magnificent idea. With that, he flicks Harry's nose, in hopes that he'll wake up. "Harry, wake up. I want to see what you've got in that wide variety schedule of yours."

When there isn't a response, Zayn sets off, slowly escaping his own tent to seek help from a fellow friend who owes him the world─ yeah, it's what he tells Louis so he could wake his ass up to help him out. Plus, Louis did go off and just kiss Harry's friend Niall. Louis defiantly owes him something for partially ruining the club because of that.

Zayn walks in the dark, oblivious of his surroundings but he wants somewhere private to display the arrangement he created in his mind when his eyes raked Harry's perfection.

The plan is to create a prom for him and Harry. It'll resemble Zayn's most precious memory of prom in eight grade with Harry, yet he's creating somewhat a new memory, mixing with whatever they've got at camp.

It's nearly four in the morning as Zayn works up a storm because something inside him convinces him that he must do it. There's food coming out of this. It's Harry's happiness. That's what he wants most out of this.

"I don't see why I'm up so early. I like rising up in the morning but even I don't wake up this early!" Harry stomps his feet on the ground trying to shove away from Louis. Zayn clearly laughs at seeing how defiant Harry is being with Zayn. At least he won't every have to worry about the potential of Harry falling for his best friend instead of him.

"Fuck off Harry! Look!" Louis shouts and pulls the blindfold off Harry. "You're welcome, idiots. Goodbye! Have fun."

Zayn steps forward, a hand on his waist, silently vowing Harry to hook arms with his. When he sees Harry, he sees the twinkle of his own decorations blaring in those emerald eyes.

The trees are covered in white shining fairy lights as there's some colorful variations of balloons on the floor, the stolen music box from Harry's side of the tent lies in the corner but plays the right volume of slow jams perfect for just them two.

"You didn't experience prom. I kind of made you my own. It's not big or anything but─" Zayn nearly topples over the second Harry transitions into a koala bear, draping his legs around Zayn's waist and nearly choking Zayn with his own biceps.

"Prom! For me! I love it." Harry chimes intro the crook of Zayn's neck, "Love it just as much as I love you!" The three words echo in Zayn's ear, though he knows it isn't the same affection, he's flattered something of love is there between them.

Though Zayn doesn't act upon returning the words because he sees it as the heat of the moment where Harry is just really glad to receive a gift like this.

"I pronounce you king." Zayn says joyously as he grabs a crown from a basket that packed all of the little supplies he took from the campsite. Zayn slowly places it onto Harry's head, admiring the beauty beneath the crown.

Zayn and Harry stand in the center of all the twinkly lights, the slow R&B echoing in the background as Zayn proudly and confidently pulls Harry by the waist, moving Harry's hand into his shoulders as he rests his own on Harry's hip. "First dance." Zayn says.

The two sway side to side, their eyes fluttering for half a second to blink, but besides that, the two never part gazes. It's only the two of them, their world that Zayn took an hour to create, though it feels like an eternity when they're here together.

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