I want You (Updated)

Start from the beginning

"Here he is Dad." Danny says motioning for me to come and sit down at the table.

"Dad meet Tavion, Tavion meet my Dad, James." Danny says introducing us to each other.

The man looked at me smiled and wiped his hands on his towel and reached out his hand for me to shake, "Hey man, how's your head?"

"It's feeling better than it was earlier than this morning, sorry about coming here drunk, I don't usually drink last night was the first time." I said feeling embarrassed.

"No worries man I was a teenager once, and it seems like you won't be doing that anymore any time soon." He said laughing at me.

I laughed and looked over to see Danny smirking.

"Go ahead and get a plate and get you something to eat." Said James.

He didn't have to tell me twice, I grabbed a plate and started placing pancakes, sausages, and bacon on my plate.

"Danny your father has to work until six tonight so instead of cooking we're gonna go to Fatz and get some dinner." James said looking at Danny and turning the stove off.

"Okay he's been working to six all week." Danny replies.

"Yeah, he's tired to but today's the last day and he's off for three days after this." James says back to Danny.

"Where is he anyways, doesn't he have to be at work at nine?" Danny asks James.

At this point I was confused why are they talking about James in third person. I looked at both of them questioning if they were the ones with a hangover.

"I'm right here." Says a man rushing into the kitchen with a suit on.

"Hey baby." the man says to James and kisses him on the mouth and then walks over to Danny and kisses him on the head and then turns to me.

"You're Danny's friend and tutor right?" He asks me.

"Yes sir." I replied to him.

"Thanks for helping my son."

"You're welcome sir, he catches on fast." I say smirking at Danny.

"Stop it with that sir it makes me feel old call me Tae." He says reaching out his hand.

I shake it and he turns to James, "Baby I have to go, I'll meet yall at Fatz at six." He says kissing James and leaving the kitchen. "Love ya'll." He says as he leaves.

"Love you too." Danny and James both call back..

"Well baby, ya'll eat up I have to get ready for work also." James says as he kissed Danny on the head and he leaves the kitchen. "Nice to meet you Tavion."

"Nice to meet you to James." I said as he left the kitchen.

I turn to Danny, "Man your dad is gay and has a partner, that's cool man."

"Yeah man it is Tae is my biological father, but James has been in the picture since I was four." Danny says.

"If you don't mind me asking, what about your mom." I ask him.

He sighs, "My mom died when I was born, apparently something went wrong with the C section and they cut a main artery, my dad was still in Medical school but he knew that something was wrong, but because he wasn't officially a doctor yet."

"Oh man I'm sorry about that." I said to him.

"It kinda worked out for the better though, If my mom would have lived then my dad would have never been able to be the man that he is today, this house would be a cold, dark dungeon for him." He said.

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