Working Together

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It was the next morning and Emily jolted awake. She would shake the  girls up along with Hunter who slept in the same room. If she didn't, they'd sleep till 1 p.m. Emily was nervous about this whole idea, but she decided to shake it off and just enjoy the other's company. No grudges right?
She woke Hunter first.
"Good morning sunshine!" Emily said excitedly.
"Ughhhh it's too early," Hunter said rubbing his eyes.
"Wanna help me make breakfast for everyone?"
"Uhhh, not really."
"Come on!" Emily said whining.
"Fine," Hunter got up with his blanket draped over his head.
"Can you be a sweetheart and get me the eggs?" Emily asked.
"Okay whatever," Hunter replied still half asleep.
There was a loud crash that startled them both.
"Shit!" Hunter screamed.
"Oh my lord you're such a clutz, now what?!" Emily said annoyed.
"Um..... cereal it is!" Hunter said with the milk gallon in his hand.
"Oh my god," Emily said while cleaning up the gooey mess of crushed eggs off the floor.
In the room where the girls were sleeping, Erika woke up startled when she heard the crash.
Bella awoke next.
"Erika what in the hell?"
"Did you not hear that?"
"No I'm a heavy sleeper, shit I can sleep through a nuclear bomb."
"Damn no kidding," Erika replied.
Bella woke up Natalie by screaming out her name over and over in an annoying tone.
"Bella no I refuse to get up," Natalie mumbled.
"Get your ass up!" Bella said.
Ava followed and Emma was the last to awake, what a surprise.
"Good morning,"
*three second pause*
"And goodnight," Emma said as she slammed her head back on the pillow.
"Where's Bem Bem?" Bella asked.
"I'm over here!" Emily yelled from the kitchen.
"Me too," Hunter followed.
They all got up except Emma and walked over to the kitchen.
"What happened here?" Natalie asked.
"Hunter with a carton of eggs happened," Emily said.
"Wow what an...EGGhead!" Erika said trying to hold back laughter from her pun.
Everyone started to crack up and Hunter rolled his eyes.
"Well they've got cereal." Hunter implied.
"Thank god I'm starving!" Emma said running from the room to the kitchen.
"Wow that's the fastest I've seen you run!" Emily said smirking.
"Shut up you show off!"
"Wait what?" Hunter asked confused.
"Oh shit..." Emma said realizing that she might have just given away that they're hiding something.
"Well Hunter since your cool and all, I think it's time that you should know something about us," Natalie said.
"Something very amazing," Bella said winking at Hunter.
"Oh lord Bella," Natalie said ashamed.
"Uhhhh," Hunter said looking at Emily.
"Well long story short, during our childhood years Ashlee did experiments on us to see if we would gain powers and we did, so we all have super powers," Ava said.
"Ava has mind control, Natalie has the powers to confuse anyone at anytime about who or where they are, Emma can blend into any surrounding because she's so white, Erika and I can communicate with telepathy, and Emily over there has super speed." Bella said.
"Oh my god how in the world!?" Hunter said glancing at the group then back at Emily repeatedly.
Emily ran to the store to get another carton of eggs and back in a mater of seconds.
"See we aren't lying," Emily said smirking with the carton in her hand.
"HOLY SHIT!" Hunter yelled astonished. "I should be mad that you didn't tell me this earlier, but it's just so freaking cool I physically can't be angry!" Hunter said excitedly.
"Well there you go," Bella said.
"Okay I need to sit down and process this," Hunter said shaken up.
"I'm surprised the guys haven't woken up yet," Ava said.
"I'll gladly wake them up!" Bella said seductively.
"Bella no, we want them to like us remember?" Natalie said.
"Oh they will definitely like us after this."
Bella started to their room till Natalie pulled her by her shirt.
"God Natalie your killing the fun!"
"No, I'm saving us from embarrassment," Natalie said calmly.
"Now Hunter you can't tell anyone about this okay?" Emily said.
"For sure," Hunter replied.
Dallas woke up and walked toward the kitchen.
"What's all the commotion?"
"Nothing, but if you want some commotion..." Bella replied.
"Bella!" Natalie yelled.
"I'm sorry I had to,"
"Well I'm hungry, Hunter you got any cereal left?"
"Yea there's another box in the cabinet," Hunter said shyly.
Hunter was never really to open with the guys after what happened. Next came Brandon and Mason.
"Mmmmmmmmm..." Bella said.
"Bella I swear," Natalie replied.
"What? this some good cereal!"
"Where's Luke?" Brandon asked.
"I think he was on the way," Mason replied.
Luke came in without a shirt on.
"OH MY GOD I HAVE BEEN BLESSED!" Bella screamed.
Natalie put her hand over her mouth till Bella quickly removed it.
"Calm down I was taking about how good this cereal is," Bella said starring at his abs.
They all sat down to eat breakfast.
"Did anyone else see that hot dude that just looked through our window!?" Bella asked.
"Why is everyone here so hot?" Ava asked.
"Oh it's a good day," Bella responded joyfully.
Natalie then felt a buzz in the back pocket of her jeans. She took out her phone and she had received a message from that mysterious guy. Natalie startled, quickly put it back in her pocket.
"You alright?" Emma asked.
"Ummm I gotta use the bathroom,"
Natalie quickly went to the bathroom and looked at his message.  It read...
"How's breakfast?"
Natalie gasped as she starred at her phone with wide eyes. He had been watching them. Her hands were shaking as she put the phone back In  her pocket. She left the bathroom and joined the others at the table looking a little nervous.
"You alright?" Mason asked.
"Yea I'm fine."
"So.... Ashlee?" Erika questioned.
"Okay first of all who is this Ashlee guy?" Luke asked.
"Well he raised us when we were young then one day he decided to just kick us out, he left us no supplies, no food, no nothing and sent us out into the world poor with nowhere to go at about 13/14 years old," Emily explained.
"Damn," Luke replied.
"We need to stop him because he's trying to recruit others to the terrible life we had," Natalie said.
They all knew in their head the real reason was he was gonna test others for  powers, but they couldn't tell them that.
"Oh okay I guess that's a good reason for me to go out of my way to help you," Luke replied.
This whole time Hunter hadn't said a word. He looked down at his feet, he couldn't look at the one who ruined his life, Luke.
"Well I say we all go and look around and examine his area and draw some conclusions," Mason said.
"Good idea," Dallas replied.
They all got in the van and started off. It was a very long drive from where they were at so it was good that they got an early start. Emily and Hunter  sat in the back last two seats. Emily was a tiny bit tiered from her lack of sleep and early wake up. She started to feel drowsy so she laid her head on Hunter's shoulder. Hunter blushed and put his arm around her. It was going to be a long day for the crew.

*written by Emily*

If  you could kill off one character in the story who would it be? Comment please!

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