The Apartment

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Emma's POV

*4 years after separation*
Emily and I are still upset about the separation but we're glad that we're together. We managed to get a job, even if it doesn't pay that much. We work at the cafe a few blocks away from where we separated. Both of us are baristas, so we earn about nine dollas per hour plus tips. By the end of the week, we have about $160.

"Emma, how much longer do we have to work here?" Emily complained.
"Until we have  enough money to get a cheap apartment." I answered, sternly.
"Ugh. How much is an apartment?" she asked.
"The cheapest one around here is $365" I replied.
"How much do we have now?" Emily asked nervously.
"$1,175! Enough for rent and essentials!" I replied eagerly.

We grabbed our bags, since we walk everywhere with our stuff.

"Hell yea!" She yelled out.

I was shocked, she never cussed. Her excitement wore off on me.

"Let's get out of here!" I yelled, as we walked out the door.

That was a mistake, we saw someone from the lab! I think it might've been Mr. Ashlee! Both of us wanted to go up there to hug and greet him like we always did, but we both knew what the consequences were if we did.
We ran and hid in the bushes, he turned around because the leaves rustled, but luckily he didn't see us.

"Hop on, I can take us to the apartment building." Emily said.

Her "ability" (we never really liked the word "power" it makes us feel something weird in us) was super speed. When we arrived, we went up to the front desk, paid him for the first months rent, got our room key , grabbed our bags and went to the elevator. There was nobody but us so we talked about when the six of us were still together.
"Bella was the funniest and the most sarcastic of the group." Emily said while laughing
I chuckled "Yeah," I sighed ,and Erika was the most badass out of all of us."
"I liked how Natalie's ability was to confuse people but she was still confused on her own" she said, both of us laughed super loud.
"And Ava, oh Ava, she was definitely the craziest!" I said
When the elevator stopped, we looked for our room, number 623. We found it and went in. It wasn't that bad for the price, it was a bit cramped, but other than that it was decent. We had a TV in our bedroom, two beds, one dresser, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a tiny living space. I was finally able to use my ability since we separated, I hope I can still do it. I was given telekinesis, which is where you can move things with your mind. I focused, cleared my mind, closed my eyes, and thought about our items moving into the right places in the apartment. I heard Emily laugh in amazment, so that was a clue i was doing it correctly. I opened my eyes and I did it!
"Nice job, your lucky you got that." Emily told me.
"Thanks, I'm surprised I could still do it," I said, "I saw a store on the way here, we should go there and buy some food, drinks, toiletries, and other stuff we need for here."
"Okay," she said, "let me grab our money."
"Just grab like $100, we don't need to waste it, only buy stuff we need. I said.
At the store we bought some junk food, actual food, two water bottles that we can fill up instead of wasting money on packs of water bottles, some pajamas, shower stuff, and hygiene products.
"Well I'm tired, lets watch tv and then go to bed. I can make breakfast for us tomorrow." She laughed, because the only breakfast food we bought was poptarts.
"Great idea. Let's change into our pj's." I said as I grabbed my stuff, I could've used my ability, but its a habit for me to not use it. This is gonna take some time to get used to. We were watching the news, to see if any of us got caught.
"Hey, Emma?" Emily asked.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Maybe we should get another job." She said unsure.
"Why?" I asked.
"To make more money so we can stay here longer, and something to do in our spare time.
"We can get jobs once we start to run low or if we want to stay here longer and we could practice our abilities in our spare time," I assured her, "but you know what?"
"What?" she aksed.
"We should get a job... to get phones."
"Why would we need phones?" She curiously asked.
"We could find everyone else, we could contact them" I nervously said.
"They don't want us, they chose the way they are." Emily told me confidently.
"But still," I said, with tears in my eyes, "I really miss them"
"Aw, Emma, don't cry," She said as she walk towards me to give me a hug, "I miss them too, and I know they miss us."
"C- can we just go to bed?" I stuttered.
"Of couse!" She said as she was walking back to her bed
"Goodnight." I said.
"Night." she said quietly.

*Written by Emma*

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