A little shop covered with off-white bricked walls, a small wooden porch and windows that displayed delicate baked goods and cakes. Right above the door was a hand-written sign that said 'Pinewoods Bakery.' Just from the sign alone, Hakyeon could tell that the shop had many decades or even hundreds of stories and history behind it as the paint from the letters was covered over and over again.

Hakyeon carefully opened the door and looked around him. It was a small shop but it was the perfect size for such a cozy little town.

'Welcome- Hakyeonie?'

It was Amelia's voice and Amelia herself. It has been so long since Hakyeon has seen her and yet, she really hasn't changed much at all except now, she had shorter hair.

'Hi Amelia! It's been so long!' Hakyeon greeted her.

'You bet! I'm glad you found this place and not get lost.' She chuckled.

The same smile and laughter as the young Amelia when Hakyeon first met her. Just seeing her again brought him back to so many memories.

'Actually, I did get lost but nonetheless, I found you.' Hakyeon almost too shy to admit. 'I'm just glad there's only one bakery in this town or else I don't know how else I would find you.'

'This place has a lot of history and stories behind it. Nothing can replace this shop, at least that's what the old owners used to say. So how are you?'

'I'm good. Just a little tired. It was a lot further away from the woods than you mentioned in the letter though.' Hakyeon pouted.

The two of them finally found a spot to sit down at the livingroom. The bakery wasn't just a shop but is also Amelia's home.

'Where is she?' Hakyeon asked Amelia.

'If you're talking about Haerin, she's just out to do some errands. She'll be back soon. I can't wait until you meet her.'

Haerin, as mentioned in Amelia's letters, was Amelia's love and classmate whom eloped with Amelia six years ago during the wedding. Hakyeon has never met her before but through Amelia's letters, she talked greatly of her loved one.

'How did you two end up operating this bakery though? The both of you are still considerably new in this town don't you think?' Hakyeon asked curiously.

'One thing happened after another and the old owner brought us in. Although he's passed away now due to old age, he decided to continue this shop by handing it to the two of us. He doesn't have any offspring so he was in quite a dilemma whether or not to sell it to someone else until we came along.'

'I see. Well I guess it's all fate.' Hakyeon said and his stomach started to growl.

'Haha. You must be hungry. Wait here while I get you something to eat.' Amelia noticed and got up to the kitchen.


As Hakyeon waited at the living room for Amelia to return with food, he glanced around the room and saw many pictures hanging on the walls. Much were of the previous owners and families that lived here at the bakery, some were of customers, tourists and more. There was even drawings that seemed like they were drawn by children that was framed and placed on the shelves. Even a strange drawing of a door was pinned on the wall.

Hakyeon could not really make sense of all the pictures he saw but each and every single one of them must be important to this shop. Just how old is this place? He wondered.

* * * * * *

After lunch, Amelia cleaned up one of the guest rooms for Hakyeon to stay in. Once Hakyeon had settled down with his belongings, Amelia suggested in showing Hakyeon around town and he gladly accepted the offer.

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