That place

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Thomas was scared you can tell by the way he tensed up when i said something. "Leave!!" Thomas said, then all of a sudden footsteps come to me and my world goes black. 

When I wake up I'm in a dark hallway the lights flickering as they are barley on, there are multiple doors. Then a exit sign at the end that would go on to off over and over again, I looked around the walls and noticed that there where lockers. I looked at the floor and there was something red smeared  in a line down the hall. But there wasn't just one there was one leading to each door and one that went straight down the hall not turning into a door. I heard banging down the other hall on the lockers behind me. I started going to each door and trying to open them but they where all locked. Then the last blood smear leading to a turn, I peaked my head over the corner of the wall and the blood lead to an exit sign. I ran to the sign and opened the door and it lead to a stair well the blood lead up the stairs. Then i realized Thomas wasn't with me, I looked all around so I decided to follow the blood. I lead to a door and I opened it. 

I saw a metal ball thing to turn on a light, I walked over to it and turned it on. I turned my body to see where the blood lead to but it stopped at the doorway. When I looked closer to the ground I noticed there was red spots leading somewhere I followed them. I kept my head down looking at the spots, then I feel a body like feeling on my head. I look up and it's Thomas his lifeless body falls on top of me as I start to scream. His cold pale body hits the floor and I push his body off of mine and slide back to the wall and put my shaking hands over my face. I looked at his face and it looked like he was screaming before he died. I start to bawl and crawl to him, "Thomas? Thomas please? No This can't be real. THOMAS!!!" I start to say his name over and over again I curl up next to him and start to cry. I cried until my eyes where dryed out, I lean up against the wall again. Then the door shuts I don't move, then a clip starts to play. The night before I blacked out he recorded, it cut to a different part he is putting me in the hall. Then it cuts to Thomas screaming and yelling at him but hes tied to the wall. Then he grabbed a gun and shot him. My heart sank to my stomach and looked at Thomas, "I'm sorry Thomas you didn't deserve this, you deserved to live a full life have kids and everything. And because it ended way to soon. I don't wanna live in a world without you. I hate my life." I looked up and noticed a camera at the edge of the room. "And you" I pointed to the camera, "You sick person behind that camera, You are a coward you hate me because my mom loved me? I was a kid and I didn't know I had a brother. I lived my hole life in fear then my mom dies so i have to live with my SICK FATHER like father like son right? So I got A dog and you took him away from me. I thought you where done I mean I get your pain but I've been through worse and im 13. And then you do this and make me watch you kill the only person i felt safe around. I haven't felt that safe sence before I found out my mom had cancer. And you make my life a living hell because what they gave you up? Well guess what i over heard my moms convo one time and she was talking about getting something back, how she made a mistake and she wan't him back, I fucking hate my life and everything about it now. So" I looked and I saw the gun, "Goodbye" I put the gun to my head and had my finger on the trigger and I closed my eyes, 

And never opened them again! 

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