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I put the letter down on the ground and sat back down on my bed watching his reaction to his letter. He faced me and looked at the letter and i saw his eyes follow the words on the paper. His moth drew open to the reaction to his letter. I stood up to see what he was so scared about he tore the paper into pieces so I wouldn't see. "What was it what did it say?" I asked he wiped his tear off his check and looked into my eyes, "nothing" he said. He grabbed my hand and I flinched back and relaxed, I just knew what ever it was, was his problem now. "Lets take a nap!" He said, I gently
relaxed as he relaxed next to me and quickly went to bed.
I woke up and I was alone in a dark corner cold and I had no cloths I sat up and stayed in the corner terrified of what was gonna come. I heard footsteps coming closer I started breathing very heavy. Tears dropped off my checks I put my head in my knees. The footsteps stoped in front of me I can hear is breathing right above me, "someone please help I'm so scared Thomas where are you." I thought over and over again. I can hear his knees pop as he bends down, "I know who you are!" I said that was a mistake he slapped me and started hitting me with a bat with nails in it. I fell to the floor I open my mouth in pain but no scream. "They got ride of me not you I hate you for that!" He said,
"Did you not here me when I was yelling" I took my head out of my knees and he stopped right before hitting me again.
"No?" He said
"Trust me you didn't want to live with them mom ended up having cancer and died right in my hands, dad is very abusive and a druggy and alcoholic my dad beats me if I breath I'm not even aloud to laugh. When I'm having a good time he knows and beats me for it. I'd rather be adopted any day then live with my dad." Tear rolled down my face from the pain rolling over off of my like a stupid bug who just won't leave.
"I don't care!" He beat me again and again until I passed out.
I woke up again and back in the comfort of Thomas but I still got beat, I thought it was a dream. I screamed in pain and quickly woke Thomas up. I cried my eyes out "what's wrong!" I lifted up my shirt and there where cuts from the nails on the bat. "OH MY GOD!!" He yelled I just froze in pain and was very hurt.
A couple days pass and I now had scars on my body. It was in the middle of the night and I heard the door open, "now!" Thomas said every so quietly. We jumped up and attached the guy who came in, we knocked him out cold we ran out the door and looked around for an open passage. We saw the door at the cafeteria leading outside I got Cage ready and we left the door. We ran to the end of the road and saw there was two roads. "I know where we are!" He said. I followed Thomas down the road to the left and we ran for so long we finally stopped at a cross walk by my dads house. I didn't want to go home so I didn't tell him that we where close to my house. "Do you know where we are?" I asked, 

"Yes really close to my house." He said he looked back again and we ran up a hill. We got to a big blue house with pretty brick steps leading to a red door. We followed the brick steps to the door, he looked at me and took a deep breath and knocked on the red door. I heard little kid footsteps run down the stairs. "THOMAS!!!" a little girl hugged him very tight. Then a older women showed up at the top of the stairs as we walk in. She dropped to her knees and Thomas ran to her and gave her a really big hug and I slowly walked up the stairs. They stopped hugging and Thomas looked at me and said "This is Callie." I put my hand out for a hand shake, they slapped my hand and looked at me for a little. Then hugged me, I took a deep breath, I hugged her back even though I didn't know her. "I know you!" She said i looked at Thomas and then her. 

A window broke and we all hit the ground.

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