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I ran and finally made it back to the room and the bars closed behind me and I sat down on the pink bed. I crawled up in a little ball and didn't move why me? I asked my self, I started crying terrified to even move from the spot. This was like coming home to my dad but worse I'm now shaking with fear and I don't know what to do . I'm shaking harder than my old dog did on the Fourth of July man those where the days. My head throbbing now from the bat hit I look at my arms and legs browsed. I'm worthless, I thought, "MY DADS NOT GONNA EVEN NOTICE THAT IM GONE!" I yelled "YOU HEAR ME NOBODY CARES NOBODY HAS THE ONLY PERSON WHO HAS IS MY MOM, AND SHE DIED OF CANCER!" Tears dropped off my check and I took a breath. "MY LIFE IS ALL READY REALLY SHITTY YOUR LIFE CANT NERLY COMPARE TO MINE!" I got up and ran to the bars and but my face against it continuing to yell. "I've never had good news in my life the best thing that has ever happened to me is my dog! Do what you want to me I can take it but let me tell you that I'm done taking hits so if you hit me I'm gonna hit back! If you know my name you probably know that my dad beats me, I have no friends, mom just died, my dog died, I get bullied nobody loves me. Nobody would notice if I was dead if they did they would be crying tears of joy. People have hate me so much that I started hating myself. So do what you want the worse is killing me so do it see if I care but if you kill me you have to kill my dog so we can be together. But let me tell you I WILL NOT GIVE UP!!" My heart was pounding and I was sweating with fear. I walked back to the bed and sat down and started crying harder and harder the tears trolled down my face. My eyes where heavier than a ship anchor so they hit each other and I fell right asleep. I woke up and I was still in the same room dark I sat up and a light turned up and I looked down at my legs and I was in PJ's. I was very confused I don't remember putting on PJ's, I look around to see what else is new and there was my vanity from my room in the corner of the room and my body mirror was on the wall by the bed. I got very confused I got up and went to the vanity and looked in the drawer and saw my mascara was there and new makeup and a hair brush. I looked around some more and there was a small pile of cloths sitting on the floor I looked at the little note on top.


Here are your cloths for the day where them and get ready because its gonna be fun.



I picked up the shirt and it was a white tank top and some black shorts. I looked at the shoes and it was either blue vans, or black and white converse. So I put the cloths on put the black and white converse and went to do my makeup. Once I was done with my makeup and hair I went to go look in my body mirror and went straight to feed Cage. I saw his water bowl was already filled with water I looked at Cage while he looked at me. I shrugged my shoulders and put his food in and he went and ate it as fast as he could. Once Cage was done eating the bars opened and I waited for the voice, "Follow the arrows and go to the gym." The voice said I slowly went out of the room and walked down the dark slightly light hallway. The arrows led to a gym and there where multiple dodge balls, before I entered the voice said, "grab as much balls as you can before the game." I ran up to the balls and got them but they weren't normal balls they had metal in the middle like it was heavy to pick up. I grabbed almost all when suddenly a loud buzzer came off and a big metal stick came a pushed the rest to the other side. I look across the dark gym to see who else was playing the the bright lights turn on and I see the person that was chasing me earlier. "I win I get to do whatever I want to you!" He says "You win I'll let you out!" My eyes widened at the offer, "he can't do anything worse than my father." I thought I snaked my head up and down. A buzzer went off again "Start!" The voice said, I tried to pick up a ball once I threw it, it hit is leg and he feel to the ground. There was a score board and one point for me, "Every time someone hits the ground it's a point if you don't get up the other person wins!" The person yells. He threw a ball to me and I tried to catch it and I fell to the ground and one point for the other guy. I got up and we both picked up another one, he threw his before I threw mine and it hit me right in the face I hit the ground. A loud ringing started into my ears,
My face lightly dropped to the floor and I feel right asleep.

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