13 but forever 12

20 3 1

After Thomas figured out that my dad was the one trying to take me, he kept trying to get him off of me. "Please stop dad it's my birthday I wanna hangout with my friend." I say begging for mercy, he let go and looked at me and started laughing at the thought of me having a friend. "You having a friend? Lets go home" he said I looked at Thomas and then my dad. "My day not yours I can do what I want to!" I ran out of the store faster than a lion running after his prey. I stoped before we crossed the street to his house. He hugged me randomly, "are you ok?" I looked at him puzzled he didn't hit me. "Yea I'm fine." I was actually terrified, we crossed the street and we where back in his house. He went and sat down on his couch I went and put the milk in the fridge and let Cage inside. I sat on the other couch across from Thomas and start petting Cage. My dog was getting really big I couldn't pick him up anymore, Thomas got up and went into the other room. I might as well go home, I thought he came back with a phone it was a iPhone 6s. I ignored the phone in his hand and kept petting Cage and watching tv. "Here." He said holding the phone in my face.
"No I-I-I can't"
"Yes you can just take it!"
"Seriously my dad won't let me."
"Who cares about your dad keep it a secret."
I took the phone from his hand looked up at him to make sure it was ok. He kicked Cage off the couch and sat next to me as I turn it on excitingly. "This is yours?" "My old one I have a new one here I'll add my social media and everything." He said he took the phone from my hands and added everything. I set everything up after a few hours Thomas offered to walk me home and I said yes. "I know your scared to go home." Thomas said as we where walking with Cage in the middle. "I am" I said honestly he lookd at me but I could barley sed him in the dark. He stopped in front of me, "Its ok im here I wont let anything bad happen to you" He said. I smilied and thought "but I camt do the same for you?" I teared up just the thought, no one other than my mom has cared for me this much. "My dad is way stronger than you" I said hoping nothing would come from him that was like we will see or something like that. "That doesnt change a damn thing!" Damn i thought i started getting scared for what was coming for me. "I have to have a distraction" I thought. "Im hungry!" I said hoping we could stop for some food. "Ok i have 20 dollars we can stop for food at Safeway." "ok." The destraction worked and we went to safeway. When we got there we had to tie cage up outisde because he couldnt come inside. When we went inside we went striahgt to the drink ile and i got a monster and he got a water. When we got our drinks we went and got a bag of chips and we paid and also got chocalate. When we sat down i saw cage was lying on the ground bleeding out

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