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Youngjae stared down at his physiology book in utter dispare. He groaned loudly and fell backwards on the bed. "I need a drink or something." His mind opped on the 'or something' as he got changed. He grabbed his wallet and walked out of the dorms and on his way to the streets. He walked passed all the shops and restaurants and bars, looking around at all the neon signs constrasting with the blackness of the night sky. He smiled at how beautiful the city lights looked and something in his chest began to ache at the thought of him and his significant other going out at this time of night. Too bad he was single.

Jaebum was way past his 5th shot but he didn't really feel drunk. He watched as the other's speech's begin to slur as they became flirtatious and flamboyant as if they weren't like that already. Jaebum sighed, suddenly drinking was boring. He missed pestering his little nerd. He didn't hate the kid but he just.... didn't know why he didn't like him either. Suddenly jaebum found himself reflecting the past almost 20 years. From kindergarten to even just freshmen year of college. Why was he always so rude to youngjae? He wasn't gonna lie he loved teasing and getting a recation out the poor kid but... he didn't really think anything of it. Most of the time he himself have been dealing with a lot. His dad died when he was in elementary school... his mom left him to be with his grandma and grandpa in seoul. But even then.... his reason as to why he bullied youngjae was so far out of reach.
Out of nowhere jaebum snapped out of his thoughts as soon as he saw someone out of the corner of his eye. Right away he turned his head to track the not that strange, stranger from one window to the other until he was out of sight. "I gotta go guys! Call me if you need a ride!" Jaebum put down 500₩ and ran out of the restaurant ignoring the groans and pleads of his drunk friends. Jaebum saw the light strawberry blonde hair and the soft dandelion yellow coat and a smile grew on his face. He followed youngjae, not saying a word and saw where he went. "Why a karaoke bar?" He followed the boy more closely and snuck passed the woman at the front desk. He peaked his head around the corner and found youngjae go into one of the rooms.

Jaebum listened to the beat of the song and instantly knew which song it was.

"As if I ran under the hot sun
I'm tired and thirsty
You know what I mean"

Jaebum hummed along. He never knew such a small nerdy boy had such a heavenly voice. He could only hear hints of heaven when youngjae laughed. Even if he wasn't the one who made him laugh he still looked so pure when he laughed. Jaebum shook his head and rid himself of such thoughts. He didn't want to start thinking of that now. Jaebum got up and snuck into the room while youngjae was singing his heart out. He closed the door behind him and leaned against the wall, a soft expression showed itself on his face. Youngjae started to bounce around all happy when the chorus came on.

"I wanna be with you! You-oo-oo tonight! Yeah! No more playin cool! Cool -oo you and i!-" youngjae spun and saw jaebum standing there with a smile on his face. Youngjae instantly stumbled backwards and tripped over the table, falling and hitting the couch. Jaebum rushed over to youngjae and looked at him. "Oh my god youngjae are you okay?" Youngjae nodded, grabbing jaebum's hand to have the other help him up. "What are you doing here? I thought you were out with the others?" Jaebum shrugged and gave a polite smile "they got too drunk plus it wasn't fun without you there to fight with." Youngjae scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah what ever. Just sit down and help me sing some songs." Jaebum chuckled and nodded. "Want me to order some drinks? Youngjae shook his head. "I dont drink it kills brain cells. It also causes addiction and gives you cancer if you drink enough of it." Jaebum raised an eyebrow at his roommate. "So you've never had alcohol before?" Youngjae huffed and nodded reluctantly. The captain nodded and gave youngjae's shoulders a firm squeeze. "Well tonight you're gonna put some hair on your chest. You can drink in my presence so it'll be fine." Youngjae gave a suspicious look to jaebum. "How do I know you wont take advantage of me?" "I would never do something like that youngjae. I may have bullied you for half your life but I certainly would never do anything to hurt you or do that intentionally. If im going to do anything to you I'm going to get your consent first." Youngjae became a little less tense and sighed. "Fine. But then what about the locker room incident? I never said you could such me off.." jaebum rubbed the back of his neck. "Yeah.... im really sorry about that-" youngjae chuckled. "Don't be it was hot." Jaebum looked at his team mate with a surprised expression. "Anyways pick the drinks i'll pick the song." Jaebum nodded and looked at the menu.

"Thattsss not even the lyrucs dumbass" youngjae grumbled. Jaebum giggled and laid upside down on the couch. "We need to get home youngjae.." youngjae pouted softly and whined. "But chinguuuyaaaa i dun wanna!" Jaebum picked up youngjae who was too drunk to protest and walked out, bowing with a charming smile. "Such a handsome jaebum-ah. Such a dick head jaebum-ah. Oh youngjae when will we see jaebum again? Oh youngjae jaebum left his old shoes here from your last hag out. Comen get wm" youngjae muttered in jaebum's ear. Youngjae whined in jaebum's ear and huffed, causing the captain to groan. "I regret so many things...."

They finally made it back to the dorm and jaebum set youngjae down gently on his bed. "I dunno what i efen DID to YoU. All i did was breathe and suddenly is like im being attacked by you" youngjae said drunkly. "I treatd you with nothiNg but kindness BUT THEN WHAT YOU DO? YOU THRN AROUND N FUCKIN PUSH ME DOWNT THE STAIRS. PUT ME IN A GARBAGE CAN, USE ME." Youngjae yells. Jaebum is taken back by the boy's sudden word vomit. But something in him pricks him, causing him to feel guilty. There he goes with that damn word that damn emotion.  Guilty, that's what jaebum feels. He couldn't believe that he, Im Jaebum feels guilty, but the sudden movement towards him brought him out of his thoughts. "Youngjae.... what are you-" Youngjae looked at jaebum with an angry expression and sat on his lap, facing him. "I want to know why you did all the things you did to me." Jaebum's mouth went dry as he heard the drunk boy's tone. "So, Im Jaebum.... Tell me. Why did you do it?" Youngjae snarled and grabbed a fist full of jaebum's shirt. For once jaebum couldn't think of a comeback as he watched someone who he THOUGHT was innocent nerd turn into something wild. Youngjae's eyes flickered with something dark and dangerous and it turned jaebum on. "I-i don't know youngjae.. wait. Why are you speaking to me informally?" Youngjae ran a finger along jaebum's jawline and gave a soft chuckle. "You think i'm going to respect you after all the bullshit you put me through?" Jaebum mentally cursed. "Youngjae i don't know why i did that to you okay?" Youngjae shook his head and pouted. "That's not a good enough answer princess~" Youngjae got up and looked at the poor captain. "Hmm why would Im Jaebum bully me for almost 20 years?" He paced the dorm as angry eyes traced his every move. "Hmm.... is it because you had a rough time?" Jaebum's gaze flickered and youngjae raised a brow. "But there has to be a deeper meaning to it. Was it .... because you like me?" Jaebum's expression changed before going back to his hell fire expression. Bingo. "Poor jaebum. Too afraid of coming out of the closet so you ended up bullying the nerd. Had problems at home? You would come to me." Jaebum shot up and rushed towards youngjae, pinning him to the wall and snarled at him. "Shut the fuck up. You don't know SHIT about my life. Be thankful i'm trying to make amends so that our college experiences won't be such shit." Youngjae tapped jaebum, queuing him to let go. Jaebum withdrew from the swimmer who leaned against the wall gasping for air. "you know jaebum.... If you had just TALKED  to me instead of bullying me we could've been more.." Jaebum turned and looked at youngjae. "LIKE WHAT?" He snapped. Youngjae looked at the captain and huffed. "We could've been friends." Jaebum's Defensive body language became non-existent. Jaebum nodded. "I'm really sorry youngjae... For.. everything i've done to you." Youngjae smiled softly and held jaebum's hand to reassure him. "It's okay bummie. I never really held it against you. I knew what to let go and what to hold a grudge on so." Jaebum nodded and then yawned. Youngjae let go of the captain and went back to his own bed, the both of them now changing for bed. "Goodnight youngjae." youngjae yawned. "Night jaebum-ah."

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