"Erm, I only did a quick walk around of our floor. Would you like me to give her a tour of the rest of the building? I could show her the computer system too-"

"You can do that later today, I have a few errands for her first." The CEO cut him off.

"Then, just come and get me when you've finished those errands." Hoseok smiled to me as he left.

'Good luck' he mouthed to me as he closed the door.

My eyes widened at this. As the door shut it was only me and the CEO left in the room, he smirked at me as I waited in front of his desk patiently for the errand which he mentioned.

"I need you to fetch something from my apartment."

"What is it?" I asked.

"My favourite pen."

"Y-Your favourite pen?!" I commented in disbelief, I could barely believe that he would make such a ridiculous request.

"Yes, I need to sign some documents. I can't just use any old pen can I?" He smiled at me.

'Hold it together Seolhyun' I thought to myself internally, 'do it for the salary'.

I forced my face into a kind smile.

"What does the pen look like?"

"It's Swarovski." He replied bluntly.

"What is your address?" I asked and he immediately handed me a piece of paper.

"There's my address and my passcode, be quick."


How could someone be so ridiculous? It was a pen, A PEN! Can't he just use a normal pen? Do Swarovski crystals somehow improve his penmanship?

I was sitting on the subway waiting to reach Gangnam station. I couldn't believe that I had been sent to another district of the city just for a pen.

Was he just testing me? When he mentioned errands I assumed he meant organising files, sending some emails or even making him coffee. I hoped that CEO Jeon wouldn't always be this difficult.


"Wow..." I spoke out loud when I reached his apartment building, this sure was fancy. I double checked the address on the note just to make sure that I was in the right place.

Once I located his apartment within the building I typed in his passcode, In a way I was surprised that I had been entrusted with a millionaire's apartment like this. I guess loyalty and trust really were important qualities to have in this role as he had explained just yesterday.

I opened the door with excitement, it was as luxurious as I had expected. Although it wasn't the largest apartment; clearly only used for its advantage of being nearer to the office than I assumed his family house would be, it was adorned with expensive furniture, art and technology.

I almost forgot that I was here to search for a pen.

Now where would he keep his favourite pen? I thought to myself as I began to walk around. Eventually I found a room with a desk surrounded by tall bookshelves.

"Ah ha!" I exclaimed successfully as I grabbed a pen with blue Swarovski crystals. I moved it around in the sunlight in order to admire the way which it sparkled.

I guess this wasn't too hard, maybe I was overreacting.


"Here's your pen." I said as I entered my new office.

"It took you long enough." He replied rudely.

"Hey- this isn't the right pen."

"What?" My voice dropped.

"It's Swarovski but this is the one with the blue crystals, my favourite is the one with the black crystals." He explained.

"Oh, really?" I tried to hold in my anger. How was I supposed to know that?!

"I guess this will have to do for now. But I'm disappointed Seolhyun, I expected better from you." I raised my eyebrows.

"I'll let it slip this time; since it's your first day, but from now on I expect you to remember my likes, my dislikes... my loves."

"Sorry about that CEO Jeon, I'll make sure to improve." I faked a smile as I made my way to exit the office so I could go out and get some air.


I immediately turned around, alarmed by his sudden informality.

"Don't you recognise me yet?" He spoke more calmly, with a smug look growing upon his face.

So he did seem familiar for a reason! I knew it!

But where exactly did I know him from? I took a few steps closer towards him in order to observe his features more closely. Once I looked into his eyes it hit me like a brick wall.


He was the boy from my class in high school. The shy boy who never spoke a word and yet was constantly bullied by the entire class, even by my own friends.

"Kookie? Is that you?" I asked him again.

"Don't call me by that stupid nickname."

I always thought that it sounded quite sweet. Why did he despise it so much?

"I-I'm sorry, I was just surprised."

"I'm glad that we could meet again Seolhyun." He winked at me.

Author's note
I'm so sorry that this chapter ended up being so long 😂😂😂 I hope you're enjoying the story! Please comment and favourite 😊

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