2.| Stepbrother

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Andrews house is about one hour away from ours. We are on the way. We don't need to bring anything since he has a huge house.

Mum and i packed up photos bedsheets clothes and things that are special to us and then left. Mums letting me drive.

I pull up at a huge house and smile. I love change. It's great. "You will love it" mum smiles at me getting out.

The door swings open and Andrew walks out hugging mum tightly. I grab my bag out and walk to the front door.

"I'll take you to your room" Andy says mum and I follow him inside. It's huge. Beautiful and modern

We walk upstairs and down a long hallway. I passed one door on the right. Then the left then the right again

"This is you" he says. I look at the door across from me. It had a sign saying Ben. Maybe he has a son. At the end of the hallway there's another door

I slowly open the door and walk in. There's a short hallway. I reach the end and its huge in there. The walls are a creamy white and has French sliding door.

There's curtains that slide across covering the windows that lead onto a balcony there's a bed against the wall and the window.

The desk across from that and obviously a bedside table. I walk in further and see two doors behind me. I furrow my eyebrows and walk towards them

The one on the right is a walk in wardrobe and the left one was an ensuite and has doors connecting the two

"Is it okay?" Andrew asked. I look at him in shock. I then look at my mother then back at him. Walking around the room

"It's incredible i went from a shoe box house with a single bed and no room to move, to this. Thank you" I smile

They laugh. I hug my mother then Andy joins the hug. They tell me to go downstairs and eat so of course I do

"Who are you" a deep voice asked from behind me. I turn around to be face to face with a blonde haired blue eyed boy

I give him a confused look "who are you?" I asked back and he laughs rolling his eyes "I'm Luke. I live here" he says

Lives here?? What? I look at him & look around "mum?" I question looking for my mother. I walk outside

She's unpacking the car "yes honey?" Mum asked. "Anything wrong Roni?" Andy I asked me and I nodded

"There's a weirdo following me" I answer looking back at 'Luke' mum Andrew and Luke laughed. I look at them all confused as hell

"Dad, Ellie. Who is this?" Luke asked my mother. How does he know my mother? What the hell is going on?

"Roni this is Luke my son" he says looking at him. Mum smiles "Luke meet your step sister Roni" mum stills him

"STEP SISTER?" We yelled at the same time. Mum and Andrew looked at each other, then us "yes" they say at the same time

"Stepsister?" i repeated in shock still looking back at him

Stepbrother | L-R-H |Where stories live. Discover now