7.| hanging out

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"HE BOUGHT YOU A PIANO?" Ollie asked me and I nodded they just smile at me in shock. It is pretty weird that someone I hardly know buys me a piano

I've only lived here for a week. "Yeah i don't play but" i says and they look at me weirdly Daisy picks up a photo

"You don't play huh?" She asked shoving the photo at me. I look at it. I was 7 playing with Dad. I smile looking at it

"I did play. I gave up 3 years ago" I tell them. They look confused and all at the same time asked why.

"My dad passed. That's why" i answer. They look at me really sympathetic I roll my eyes giving them a fake smile

"I'm hungry" Nikki says changing the subject and I mentally thank her. I could fucking kiss her right now

We all walk down to the kitchen and start looking for food. I hear foot steps. I'm guessing Andy cause mums not here and Luke hardly leaves his room

"RONI BABY" Luke yells at me. The girls eyes widen. I turn and look at him. He looks at all the girls noticing who they are

"When you said you had friends I thought you were trying to impress me" he says and i act hurt holding my chest.

"That was very rude Luke. Why would I try to impress you?" I asked smirking at him and he rolls his eyes

"Cause I'm your amazing sexy intimidating brother" he says all cocky as hell. Trust me he's so fucking hot.

"Your not amazing, yes your attractive but sexy isn't a word for it and your not intimidating" i tell him, maybe lying a little

He laughs nodding "yeah I am" he says and kisses my cheek "I'm so intimidating I got these two in my bed" he smirked at Daisy and Ollie

We all sit there in silence looking at one another. Luke laughed looking at us all shaking his head

"Maybe we should leave" Nikki says and the girls agree. I look at Luke in shock and a little upset that he scared them off

"No guys don't" i says stopping them from getting up Luke smirks "no please do. I get alone time with my step sister" he smiles

"Luke. I know this was your house before mine but these are my friends. And im allowed them here. What you do to me is highly inappropriate" I tell him

He stands there shocked and so do the girls. He's annoying me I stood up for myself and my friends. Just cause he lives here doesn't mean he can tell my friends to leave

"Your the one who gave me a boner" he says and the girls are all shocked. Even more then before. I look at them, then back at him

"Not my fault you find me attractive Luke" I smirk at him. I grab my bag and phone on the hall stand "come on we should go" i tell them

"WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING?" He asked really mad. I looked at his face and he was worried "OUT" I yell back

Damn bro. *double chin* ahah hope you enjoyed. Vote and comment and tell your friends cause you liked it (even if you didn't)

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