Chapter VIII: Sinking

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Taron's eyes quickly locked onto yours, and you could see the panic in his eyes.
"Taron, what is going o--", you asked, but you had no time to finish your question as Taron rapidly pulled you out of the room.
He rushed you to his car, and it had barely been a minute before the car screeched away from the house. Breathing hard from running, you glanced over at Taron who was concentrated on weaving in and out of traffic. His jaw was clenched, and his forehead was covered in a nervous sweat.
"I promise I'll tell you what's going on as soon as we get there", Taron said as you were just about to open your mouth, "and put your seatbelt on".
You held on to the door handle as Taron proceeded to swerve onto an empty country road. He drove on in silence, and you decided it was best not to stress him out anymore so you held your fear inside you. Instead, you decided to stare out at the setting sun, and before you knew it you had dozed off.
"SHIT!", you heard Taron scream as you jolted awake.
Still in a daze, you were even more disoriented by the loud sounds of shattering glass and crashing metal. You snapped out of it and sat up to see three cars surrounding the one you were in through the cracked windows.
"GET DOWN AND DON'T MOVE", Taron yelled.
You quickly obeyed, panic setting in as your sleepiness wore off. You realized the shattering was from gunshots. Suddenly, you felt weightless, you were flying, no falling. You felt Taron lift you back up, and his arm braced you as you were thrown forward from the impact. You felt the sharp pain of shattered glass, and before you could make sense of what happened, you heard Taron yelling at you to hold your breath as water and bubbles swirled around you. You took one last breath as the car completely submerged under the water.
You reached down to undo your seat belt but it was stuck. The car was sinking quickly, and you watched in silent terror as Taron tried using pure strength to rip the belt from the buckle. You both were losing air rapidly, so you pushed Taron aside and used your leg to kick off a shard of glass from the windshield. Taron grabbed the glass and sawed at the belt.
You desperately needed to breathe, but as the edges of your vision began turning black, the seat belt snapped. Taron pushed you through the broken windshield and he grabbed your arm as you both swam to the surface.
Gasping for breath, you swam to the rocky shore of the cold beach. Shivering and shaken, you turned around to see Taron hauling himself out of the water shortly after you. He limped over to you and quickly pulled you into a hug.
"I'm so sorry for bringing you into this mess", he mumbled into your hair, "It's better if we pretend we never met".
Still breathing heavily, you were too exhausted to cry, so you just stayed in the warmth of his arms.
Taron looked down at your face and arms which were covered in cuts from the glass. You could see the pain in his eyes; not from his own wounds but from seeing you hurt. Even though you were freezing, you composed yourself and pulled away to look into his eyes.
"Dean was part of that, wasn't he?", you asked.
Taron nodded sadly and hoping to alleviate his guilt a little, you replied, "Taron, I'm not leaving you. It wasn't your fault. And I know Dean. Please don't feel bad. I can help you".
"It's too dangerous", Taron said, "I would never forgive myself if you got hurt".
You smiled softly and said, "I can take care of myself".
Taron still didn't look convinced, but he stopped protesting and called Colin.
"I will pick you up immediately", Colin said into the phone.

"They got away, Sir", Dean mumbled.
"I have to do everything myself, don't I?"

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