Chapter IV: A Mess

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You jolted awake when you heard the front door slam. Half asleep still, you walked out of the room preparing yourself to talk to Dean, but the scene you were met with made your mood became even worse than it was before. You watched in disgust as Dean, clearly drunk, stumbled into your room along with three of his equally drunk buddies.
"You've had enough! I told you I wanted to speak to YOU and you only and you come home fucked up with random people!", you said as you gathered your things to leave.
Dean stumbled over and smacked your purse onto the ground as he grabbed your arm.
"Hey where do you think you're going. I told you.....we need some drinks", he said with difficulty as his friends hollered behind him.
You wrenched your arm from his grip and stormed outside, angry tears threatening to spill. You had convinced yourself you could change Dean because he was such a sweetheart when you first met him, but his bad habits were becoming too much.
You took the bus down to the coffee shop instead of walking this time. The shop felt more like home than your actual one. You faked a smile when the old barista greeted you; you two were practically friends by now because you came there so often when you needed to get away. You sat down in your usual spot, and the memories of your night with Taron flooded back to you. You would give anything to talk with him again. All you wanted was to be with him. He was the only sense of comfort and happiness you had felt in a while. You turned your head away from the rest of the shop as you tried not to cry.

I brushed the snow off my head as I entered the shop again. I waved to the barista, but when I looked up she was there. I told myself to leave, but I couldn't stop looking at her. She was shaking, no, crying. Every part of me said to turn around. I couldn't get tangled up in this.

You almost successfully composed yourself, and you wiped your pathetic tears. After a few deep breaths, you opened up your phone. Two missed calls and a text.
"Dean: why the FUCK is there a guy's jacket in your room?!"
Oh shit oh shit, you thought as you quickly picked up your things to go explain to Dean. You started walking towards the door of the shop with your head down. When you glanced up, you gasped and stopped abruptly. You were face to face with Taron.

 You were face to face with Taron

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