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Chapter written by LittleMissTomlinson3

Hellooo!!! I am Lilz, otherwise known as LittleMissTomlinson3! huggable_hugs is my friend from school, so I made her tell me her password and hacked into her acount. Don't worry, she knows I'm doing it. I'm writing this chapter. Enjoy...

Niall's P.O.V

"You're gonna leave 'em falling dow-ow-own..." I finish the song, Katy Perry fireworks, one of my favourites. it makes me feel like I can do anything, even though I've got this stupid condition. I wish I was a firework, able to shoot across the sky, looking beautiful, then explode in a shower of sparks. Fireworks seem to have way more fun than humans. Well. Much more fun than me.

As I step away from the microphone, I look at the four people watching me. I know the drill, of course. If I get through, I'll be part of a band. These must be the other members of the band. The first boy on the row is smiling. It seems to be a genuine smile, but there's a glint in his sea-blue eyes that makes me nervous. The guy next to him seems a bit calmer. He runs a hand through his brown curls, shooting me a crooked grin. The next boy to him scares me. He doesn't smile, just stares at me intensly with his hazel eyes. He's wearing a black leather jacket, and I can see a tattoo peeking out of one of his sleeves. He catches my eye, and I look away hurridly. In doing so, my gaze falls on the last lad.

He physically takes my breath away. He's the most beautiful human being I've ever seen. His light brown hair falls over his forehead in a floppy "Justin Beiber" style, framing his flawless face. His pink lips are open slightly, and his eyes are fixed on my own face. I stare into those eyes, and it's like I'm hypnotized. They're chocolate brown, so intense I feel like he's staring into my soul.

Dimly, I hear someone say my name. "Ok, now, Niall, thank you, do you want to go now? Bye!" I realize it's Simon Cowell, the main man on The X-Factor. I nod and hurry off the stage. Simon Cowell scares me. He's always really mean when I watch him on telly.

Once I'm off the stage, Dermot O'Leary greets me. My audition won't be shown on telly, but Dermot's here anyway.

"Hey, Niall," he says softy, smiling.

"Hello," I say shyly.

"How do you think your audition went?" Dermot asks me, putting an arm round me.

I think for a moment. "Um... Okay, I think. I like the boy with the floppy hair." I clamp my hand over my mouth. I tend to do that, say things I shouldn't, things that are inaproppriate. But Dermot just laughs good-naturedly.

"Do you? Well, that'll be Liam. I'm sure he likes you too."

"Really?" I ask eagerly.

Dermot laughs again. "Sure. Here, why don't you go through to your family. Bye, Niall!"

"Bye!" I wave, and run off down a corridor to a room where I know my family are waiting. As soon as I open the door, I'm envoloped in hugs and kisses from my mum, dad, brother, and various other family.

Ok, up to here was me. The rest was our very own huggable_hugs!!

"Oh, Niall, baby," coos my mum, wiping at her eyes, which are brimming with tears.

"Mummy!"I reply. Mum warps me up in a tight hug. 

"Now remember Niall dont be sad if you don't get through," Mum says. Does my mum think I won't get through? I quickly wipe away that thought. 

I sit down on the grey chair next to mum and lean over and grab my rucksack.It's pllain blue but I like blue, it's the colour of my eyes. I start playing Temple Run. I can't wait for the 2nd one to come out.

"Niall, I have some news for you!" A voice says. I look up and see Simons face. Oh God! What if he thinks I don't concentrate like the mean teachers at school. I put my phone down on my lap and blush when the man goes aah because he's fallen. I go closer to mum.

"You're scary!" I blurt out unespectdly then kick myself. I start to stammer out apologies but Simon stops me.

"Niall, listen carefully, you're part of the band! You got through!" Simon says.

My eyes open wide.

"I got through?" I whisper. Simon nods and it sinks in. I hug mum and jump around. 

I got through!

Just change the teenagers to Simon Cowell for the video


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