The spillage

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"So hey...........what should we do....oh oh oh, I know, lets play........kiss chase!" Louis shouts.

He gets a wierd look from me. And probably everyone else. i should really not say this but I blurted it out anyway.

"Lets tell each other our deepest secrets!" I added a fake laugh at the end.

There were am assortment of yeh's and gret idea's. Despite my brain saying for me not to I found myself smiling ot the fullest at thought of doing something right for once.

"You start,"Harry says.

"Me?" I say in suprise. Harry nods.

I can't tell him my biggest secret, I can't.

"Well, I lost my virginity at the age of 14," I mutter quietly.

"O MY GOD!" Louis says, I mean shouts. I blush.

"YOU LOST YOUR VIRGINITY AT 14 14! What was it like?" Harry creeps near me.

"um...Harrys turn now!" I smile queitly.

Simon walks back in again.

Louis P.O.V

Wow. That has really changed my views about Liam. I thought he was your average man, well teenager. 

"So did you come up with a band name?" Simon says snapping me out of my thoughts.

There were a mixture of northern no's.

"So, lets do it know! Zayn, get off your phone," Simon snaps.

Zayn puts his phone in his pocket. He looks like someone you wouldn't want to mess with.

"Ok, band name suggestions?"Simon claps his hands together.

"What about Zayn and the boys? Eh,how about that?"

"Nooooooooooo.............." I say

"What about USP you know Unique Selling Point?" Liam says.

"Too you know........" Harry replies.

"I'm sorry but that is the worst, but you were brave to say it!" I add to not make him feel upset. My  tounge rolls off sometimes. Liam sniffs and blushes.

Harry suddenly looks up.

"What about One Direction! We're going in One Direction to fame or whatever. Wait i've got a notebook in my bag!" He says excitedly. Aah! My Harry.

 Harry P.O.V

Yay! I have just gained popularity between.......4 people. But still! I get the notebook out of my bag. 

I accidently tip my bag out. Oh, Fuck! My blanket is with me. The blanket that I use to get to sleep. The blanket that I use when i'm scared. The blanket that i've had since I was a baby.

I hear all the laughs, I hear all the mockery of me. The popularity that i've gained, i've just lost. I even hear Louis laughing. I wipe my tears and run out. I hear Simon calling.

Louis runs after me. He reaches my shoulder.

"Harry,"he pants, "You know we didn't mean it, I mean I love shopping!That's not normal for a boy is it?" He opens his arms and I run into them. I breath in his Soapy smell and stain his shirt with my tears. He holds my hand and we walk back together.

Louis is awesome!

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