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YoN: Your Other Name from RwB


Jason's POV, the cafe

My whole world was spinning, my vision was quadrupled and my brain felt like it was being dissected.

What the fuck is happening?

I'm sure that I wasn't hung-over since I only had a glass of wine in the Beneficiary party, so what was the big deal?

It wasn't anything extra-ordinary, it's just a headache.

Unless (YoN) was right with her premonitions with (Y/N).

Wolfing down the steaming shot of espresso, I realized that the throbbing in my head stopped.

And here was I so close to blacking out.

I knew.

I knew she was up to no good; a gut feeling I somehow developed through all the years of fighting crime (and doing some shady shit here and there).

But I can't keep my hands off of her, not after the few days she spent with me.

It was a Shakespearian tragedy in the making, I mean, I even vowed to stop looking for relationships with women of the same caliber as I am.

And look at me now.

I broke my rule again, but I needed to think of something.

I needed to talk to (Y/N), to know what's up with her. Through all my years with dealing with baddies, one might think that I'd think this through, but I suppose I was just as stupid when it came to girls.

It was probably the curse that runs in the Wayne family.

I stood up from my seat, calling out to the barista who was kind enough to give me a free drink, and set out to find (Y/N).

That is, until I crashed into someone and caused them to fall flat on their ass. Out of reflex, I grabbed the person by their waist just to avoid humiliation on their part.

"(Y/N)...?" I cautiously asked as I looked down on a familiar (H/C) haired girl with striking (E/C) eyes. "You and me, we need to talk."

My voice came out growl-ier than expected.

"There's nothing to talk about, Jason." She replied coldly, pushing herself away from me as if she was restraining her actions. "Why are you here anyways?"

"It's not like you own everything in America, cupcake." I chuckled coldly before putting a hand on my waist and then leaning towards her. "Now why don't you be a good girl and follow me before I shoot you dead here in this goddamn café?"

"I know that you don't have a gun, Jason." (Y/N) cooed before wrapping her arms around me, her chest pressing onto mine. "Your heart rate is still partially unstable, and your calf muscles seem tense; you were out running, weren't you?"

"I forgot that you packed my clothes."

"Ding ding ding!" Giggling, she traced her hand down to my stomach, not caring that I was sticky with sweat.

I realized that she was removing my gray hoodie from my waist.

"Look, I appreciate your bare torso but I can't think with you trying to subconsciously seduce me." (Y/N) wittily added, making me want to kill her less. "Where to, boy wonder?"

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