"You've really thought about this huh? Have you even found a house for us to live in?"

"I just wanna be safe with you. And yes I have."

"What does it look like? Is it just like the one we have now?"

"Pretty much. It's a little bigger though."

"Why would it be bigger?"

"I want more kids."


"You do? How many?"

"I don't think I should answer that question."

"Well why not baby? You can tell me anything." she said frowning.


"Please tell me." Before I could say anything I collapsed.


"Ms. Johnson, I think you are going to need a hysterectomy." Dr. Norris told me.


"You have been on your period a lot lately, yes?"


"How long?"

"It lasts usually a month."

"How long has it been doing that?"

"Since I had my son."

"How old is your son?"

"He's three now."

"Ms. Johnson, what is the in between time of your periods?"

"Usually about a week or so."

"'So' meaning?"

"Up to two weeks."

"Just like I thought. If you don't get a hysterectomy, you could have life-threatening issues."

"What are the risks?"

"They are very very rare. But there is the possibility of injury of to your bladder, intestines and blood vessels. But we can fix those with a second surgery."

"What would my recovery time be?"

"That would depend on what type of hysterectomy you have."

"What do you recommend for me?"

"How do you feel about scarring?"

"I don't really care."

"Okay, so more than likely abdominal."

"What would that consists of?"

"We would remove your uterus through a large cut in your abdomen. It could be horizontal or vertical. We'd keep you here for two to five days. We'll give you medicine for the pain, and monitor your vitals. You'll need to walk around the hospital a lot to lessen the chance of blood clots forming in your legs."

"And when I go home?"

"You will have to continue walking. Avoid pushing and pulling objects, such as using a vacuum cleaner, lifting heavy objects, bending and having sexual intercourse. With a abdominal hysterectomy, you'll need to refrain from these for six weeks."

"And with the others?"

"With both a vaginal and laparoscopic hysterectomy, you'd only need 4 weeks, but the recovery for vaginal includes packing your vagina with gauze while you are in the hospital. You will more than likely experience brown or bloody discharge for up to 10 days."

"Yeah, I think I'll stick with the abdominal one."

"I know you are probably scared."


"Do not worry."

"Will I still be able to care for my children? You know, like picking them up, playing around with. Will I still be able to help Rosa around the house?"

"As I said, do not pick up heavy things, or push and pull things. So, sadly, not really. It is only for a few weeks, I promise."

"I can't let my wife do all those things alone."

"I think Rosa would like you to live Ms. Johnson."

"And I won't be able to have children correct?"

"Well you won't have a uterus."


"When do you want to do this?"

"I guess the sooner the better."

"How about tomorrow?"


"We have one O.R. opening."

"Oh, um. Okay sure."

"Great, just stay here and relax. Nurse Garcia will be in shortly to check some vitals. Then she'll give you dinner. Then you won't be able to eat until after the surgery."

"Okay, can you, um, inform my family?"

"Of course, I can."

"Thank you Dr. Norris."


"Dr. Norris, does she really need to have it tomorrow? Matty goes home tomorrow, which means I will be home alone with three little kids!"

"I'm sorry, but everyday is crucial in her condition."

"Can we stay here with her for the night? I don't want to leave her side. If the kids can't stay, I can get someone to watch them for me. Ms. Mia has EJ and Luke right now, I could ask her to take Matty for the night also?"

"Rosa, I think you should stay with Matty. He needs the proper care, and his mother to be with him." I touched her arm.

"Lyric, you're his mother too."

"But right now, I have to do this. I wanna be able to be here for them for a long time. I know what it is like to be a kid and lose your mother. I don't want them to go through that."

"Okay, Lyric." I could tell she was bothered. I tried to shrug it off. She started for the door.

"I love you Rosa."

"Yeah, you too." She said turning the corner with Matty. After everything we've been through, I think that hurt the most.

An Almost Fairy Tale [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now