Chapter 40: Tell him!

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Chapter 40


We look at her, waiting for her to tell us.

"I'm pregnant", she says.

Wait what? She's pregnant? Oh my god, Felice is pregnant?

Oh god, this is huge news, I can't believe it, Felice is pregnant.

"Oh my god!" Michelle screams in a high pitched voice, that makes my ears bleed. "Oh my god, my baby is having a baby!"

"Mom come on, I'm twenty five, I am not a baby", Felice says.

Annie and I still stand like we're frozen to the ground, and just stares at Felice.

"Guys, can you maybe say something? I'm getting worried over here", Felice says looking at us, with big eyes.

"Oh my god!" Annie and I scream at the same time, running up to Felice and embraces her, at the same time, almost squeezes her to death.

"Guys. Can't. Breath", she says choked.

We let her go.

"You need to tell Pollux!" Annie shouts.

Oh god, Pollux! How is he gonna react? I'm sure he's gonna be so happy, because I don't think that he ever saw even this day coming, the day he would get married, and I definitely don't think that he thought that he would become a father. I think the main fact to that is because he can't speak, and didn't think that any girl could ever love him, but Felice is different. She sees everything beautiful in everyone, even the smallest things, and I think that's why she fell for Pollux. Even though he can't speak to tell her his feelings, no one can be mistaken about Pollux love for Felice. And he's really good to show Felice as well, she always tells me that, and she's really happy, he is as well, and I'm so, so happy for the both of them. Pollux really deserves to be happy after everything he has been through. Castor would be really happy for his brother today.

"I know", Felice says. "I just don't know how to tell him, maybe he doesn't want a baby".

"He does, believe me, after everything he has been through, I think he'll be very happy to become a father Felice, and a husband", I tell her.

"Yeah totally", Annie says.

"Oh guys, how did I get you two as best friends?" Felice asks, forming tears in her eyes.

"I think it was at the point when you wouldn't let me be alone at the hospital when Peeta almost killed himself", I say, looking at Felice. "And I liked you from the start, you treated me as a normal person and I introduced you and Annie, and now here we are".

Felice giggles.

"Yeah and you two are too good for me", she says.

"Don't say that, we are not, you are just as good", Annie says. "Do you know how many girls would've reject Pollux because he can't talk? But you didn't, you got to know him, now you're getting married and you're carrying his baby, you are the most best girl ever Felice".

"Really?" she asks with a husky voice.

"Yeah", I say.

It knocks on the door. I think it't Haymitch, he said that he would come up and get us, when it was time.

The door opens. and I was right. It's Haymitch.

"Ready to get married?" I ask Felice, reaching her my hand.

She smiles and takes my hand, as she stands up.

"As ready as I'll ever be, I'm about to marry the man of my life, I can't be anything but ready right now", she says and I smile so big that my whole face is covered in a goofy smile.


After the ceremony we all get together in Pollux and Felice new house. It looks like the other houses here in the Victor's Village.

Peeta cooked the food. Like that would be a shock. He always cooks at special occasions like this one. And like always I need to control myself so I don't eat too much.

I wonder when Felice is going to tell Pollux. When I try to talk about it with her, she changes the subject or walks away.

She's nervous. I get that. But still it's not fair to Pollux, he really has the right to know. I mean it's his baby too, he's the father and he would want to know.

Right now he's on the couch with Peeta. He's writing on the pad so fast that the pen is staring to smoke, while Peeta laughs. They must be talking about something very funny.

I smile at the sight of them. Peeta and Pollux really grew a bond together. A strong one.

I spot Felice with her mother in the kitchen. They seem to be in a strong talk with a lot of arguments.

Maybe I shouldn't... but I walk up and hear what they're saying.

Turns out that Michelle is trying to get Felice to tell Pollux about the baby.

Annie comes up beside me.

I look at her and she frowns.

We both walks into the kitchen.

"Felice, Michelle is right, you really need to tell him now!" Annie says, as we stand on both sides of Michelle, supporting her in the subject to the fullest.

"Yeah, it's not fair to him, you really need to tell him, he's gonna be hurt if you wait any longer", I say.

"I don't know how to say it, and I know that you guys have been telling me that he's gonna be happy, but come on, you don't truly know if that's true!" Felice shouts.

"TELL HIM!" Michelle, Annie and I shout at the same time.

Not before we shouted we realized how high that was gonna come out.

Everyone else heard us of course and is now gathering here in the kitchen.

Pollux is standing beside Peeta and frowns.

He takes up the pad and writes something on it. He shows us what he wrote.


Felice looks at us. She's really pale in her face. We nod to her, she needs to tell him. She sighs defeated, knowing she has to.

Felice takes a shaky breath and turns to look at Pollux.

"Baby I'm ...", she says in a husky voice and takes a deep breath. "Baby I'm sorry, I didn't want to tell you this way, but I guess I have to do that now. Pollux I'm pregnant".



Hey guys, I wasn't suppose to update today, but I changed my mind because I'm happy today, I'm happy a lot these days xD

Anyways what did you think about this chapter, I really wanna know what you thought about it, it's important to me :)

So please vote and comment and tell me what you guys thought :)

-Josephine xx

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