Chapter 4: Do I still love him?

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Chapter 4


I wake up with the biggest smile on my lips. I haven't smiled like this ever since I came back to District 12. But now I do, and at first I don't really know why. But then I feel a pair of strong arms, wrapped around me. Peetas arms. I snuggle up in Peetas embrace and smell his scent. I love his scent, I just love it, he smells so good.

I brush his hair back and give him a quick small kiss on the cheek.

His eyelids flutter open, revealing his beautiful, ocean blue eyes and I can't stop smiling. I really feel like a smiling fool.

"Good morning", he says in a sexy morning voice.

Oh. My. God. Why didn't I notice this before? How sexy his morning voice is?

"Morning", I say, as natural as I possibly can.

I jump out of the bed and stretch.

"Mimimimi", I yawn as I stretch my arms over my head.

Peeta laughs and I smile at him.

Peeta is still lying down and stretching. I can see his muscles tens and relax when he stops stretching.

He's so hot.

God! Katniss get that out of your head at once! I demand myself.

I feel the smell of food.

"Where is that coming from?" Peeta asks, raising his eyebrows.

"It's probably Sae, she cooks for me", I say, shrugging.

"You still don't cook?" Peeta asks.

"Not unless you don't want to be poisoned", I say and Peeta smiles.

He knows very well that I don't cook. To say it straight: I suck! He's just too kind to say it to me.

"She always cook me breakfast, lunch and dinner", I say. "She'll probably get going after she cooked, she knows that I eat when I'm hungry and I need my sleep, so be quiet, she could get the wrong idea if she finds you in my bedroom".

Peeta frowns and smiles.

I take up my comb and brush through my long hair, before braiding it.

"Wanna comb yours?" I ask Peeta, and he shrugs while taking the brush, and start brushing his ashy blond curls.

I watch him as he combs his hair.

I hear the front door open and close. Sae must have left.

I open the bedroom door and walk down the stairs.

Sae put the breakfast on the table. I just take a piece of bacon, put it on a piece of bread and I eat it. I'm not very hungry, I'm not usually anymore.

"Is that all you're going to eat?" Peeta asks when he comes down to me.

I shrug.

"I'm gonna drink some water as well", I say. "I'm usually not that hungry anymore, maybe it as something to do with my depression".

Peeta frowns.

"I'm sorry Katniss", he says.

"Don't be, you lost as much as I did".

Peeta sits down in a chair.

"My ... My mother... She used to beat me. Real or not real?"

So he's till plays this game?

I frown.

"Real. I'm sorry Peeta", I say.

"Don't be", he says and I smile.

He takes the cup of tea that Sea put out for me, but Peeta knows that I'm not gonna drink it. He leave the sugar bowl untouched. He never takes sugar in his tea.

I smile to myself. Is Peeta really himself?

"Your mother moved to District 4. Real or not real?" Peeta asks as he takes a sip of the tea.

How the hell did he know? But the answer hits me. Haymitch.

"Real", I say. "I don't want to talk about it though".

"Got it", Peeta smiles and hands me the tea cup. "Taste, please, it's really good".

"Fine", I say and sits down in front of him.

I take a sip and it was pretty good, but I hand it to him again. I still don't want anything more.

I just hope that Peeta and I can find a way to each other again, where he loved me. Does he still love me? Do I still love him?



Hey you guys. I know that this chapter was pretty boring, but I'm gonna try to make it better and more interesting in the next chapters, and there needs to be some boring chapter to appreciate the better chapters ;)

Please tell me what you thought about this chapter, I really, really wanna know what you thought, I'm not kidding, I promise, I wanna know ;)

Vote and comment please, pretty please :)

-Josephine xx

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