Chapter 24: The guest list

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Chapter 24


Okay. I gotta admit the chapter where Mama and Papa had ... You know what, really freaked me out. I mean who the hell cares how old I am?! They are my parents and I don't think that any kid wants to know that kind of information about their parents.

When we came to chapter number 21, Finn and Cassidy came to see how things went, but now they're also stuck here with the book. We went through the other chapters with them. The parts with Cassidy's mother Felice and grandparents made an extra impact on her. Apparently she didn't know that about her grandfather or that they where in the room when he died.

Rue and Primrose came as well. They're also pregnant, not as far as Sunny though.

"Haha you where a fat kid!" Rye laughs at Finn.

Finn is a bit pale. But who can blame him? He just read about his birth.

"They never told me that Katniss were there when I was born", he says.

"They maybe didn't think it was important information", Sunny says.

"Well it was! To me anyways", Finn says.

"Why dad, I mean it was only your birth", Rue says.

"Only my birth? Well young lady, it was your father being born, you know", Finn says.

Rue rolls her eyes.

"The part where Katniss is being knocked to the floor is hilarious", Cassidy laughs, and I can't do anything but to agree. That was pretty funny.

"Yeah, but I don't think that Mama or Aunt Annie thought so at that time though", Rye laughs.

"Haha yeah and as it sounds like on Papa, she screamed pretty high", I laugh.

"Because she gave birth to a big fat baby", Cassidy laughs. "I'm just glad that the twins didn't take after you and got that big, because I would've had a big problem, and so would Katniss".

"Why's that?" Primrose asks.

"Well, she delivered you", Cassidy says.

"Wait what?!" Rue asks shocked.

Oh I totally forgot that the twins and Sunny didn't know about that.

"And why are we only hearing about this now?!" Primrose asks.

Primrose is often the more calmer one between her and Rue. But now she's not near calm.

She explain everything that happened that day. Cassidy is the one that can explain what happened the best, because she was the one giving birth after all.

The twins calms down a bit, but they're still annoyed over the fact that they didn't know earlier.

"But I wanna keep on reading", Hunter says.

God. He's really into this book!

"Okay, well, I don't feel like reading aloud anymore, so you can do that, baby", I say to Hunter, handing him the book.

"Sure", he says and starts reading chapter 24.


I'm sitting with Annie in our living room. We're planning the baptism.

I get an idea.

I tell Annie about the lake in the woods. Her eyes glisten as I tell her about it. I think she's imagine the beauty of what I'm telling her.

"Maybe we can have the baptism there", I tell her. "The priest can make the water special I think, he says some words".

Annie smiles big.

"Yeah, that would actually be really beautiful", she says. "Oh Katniss thank you so much".

"No problem Annie", I say.

So the guest list. Well, it's not that many actually, but it's enough, only Annie's closest friends:









Greasy Sea







Gale. I don't know if he'll come though. I didn't want to invite him, but Annie insisted. It's not that she's friends with him or so, but she knows that I miss him. I still don't know if I've forgiven him. Gale lives in District 2. He left after the rebellion, and if he's gonna be so childish that he doesn't want to face the reality, I'm not gonna force him. I'm not mad at him still though. I don't have the energy to be angry. I don't. I've spent most of my life being angry, I just don't have the energy anymore. The thing is ... I'm not sure if he still has feelings for me. Last letter I got from him, he told me he had, but I don't know... Besides, that wouldn't change anything. I'm in love with Peeta, and Gale knows that.

Felice and Michelle has been spending much time with me and Annie. Felice adores Finn. She says that he's the most beautiful baby she has ever seen, but also the biggest.

He really is big. The biggest baby that has ever been born on this hospital in District 12.

Both me and Annie clicked really fast with Felice. She's really nice and sweet. I'm surprised that she she doesn't have a boyfriend or something. I asked her, and she told me that she had had a few, but she was always the one ending it. She told me that she hasn't met the right one yet. I really hope she'll find one. I really, really do, 'cause she deserves someone, other than her mom or me and Annie.

The front door opens and Peeta walks inside with Finn. Haymitch comes after him. They have been at Haymitch, to let me and Annie have some space while planning.

"Peeta can you make the food?" Annie asks, looking at Peeta. "For the baptism".

"Of course", Peeta says. "Are you girls hungry now though?"

Actually ... Yes! Yes we are. So Peeta gives Finn to Annie and walks over to the kitchen to make us some lunch.

Haymitch sits down in one of the armchairs with his bottle.

I stare at the bottle and Haymitch starts to hug it, as if to protect if from me. I roll my eyes at him.

"Fine! If you wanna die, than keep on drinking, you drunk!" I snap at him, before looking at Finn. "Like I care".

Annie is feeding Finn at the moment. I guess that he was hungry as well.

He's so beautiful.

Peeta comes in with our lunch.

He sits down beside me and I smile. I kind of like how life turned out for now. I hope it will keep on being like this. Easy. Happy. Careless.



Well ... Happy, easy and careless, who would say that their future is that? I would't xD

Well you guys, please vote and comment to tell me what you guys thought about this chapter :)

I really wanna know :)

-Josephine xx

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