Chapter 32: Haymitch confess

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Chapter 32


Finn is keeping a short distance from me. He still smiles at me and stuff, but I can feel how nervous he gets when he's in the same room as me.

It's heartbreaking. He was in the same room as me when I got that terrible nightmare, and it scared him to death. And he's only one, so I get why he got scared, but it still breaks my heart that my godson is afraid of me.

"He'll get over it", Annie assures me.

"How do you know?" I ask depressed.

Annie laughs.

We're sitting at the kitchen island and eating ice cream right from the bucket with two spoons. I realize that I'm eating fat food when I'm feeling depressed. Not that kind of depression that my mom had, but a depression that makes me sad. I can get out of bed and take care of stuff, only I don't say a lot and feel really down.

"Because he's only one Katniss, he's not gonna remember that soon, I promise you, give it like a week, then he'll be all over you again", Annie says.

"I hope you're right", I say. "Even though it's only been a day, I kind of miss him already, I mean he's such a joy spreader".

Annie laughs putting more ice cream in her mouth.

"Yeah mark my words Katniss", she says.

The front door opens, and I turn my head to see Haymitch come through the door. Now he enters the kitchen.

It looks like he showered, and he ... Smells good, and he combed his hair, and his clothes aren't torn. What's up with him? And how did he manage to get out of his house?

"Haymitch?" I ask surprised.

He gives me a sad smile.

I just look at him. Why is he here? I thought he didn't care for me anymore, and that made me really sad, like I needed another person in my life leaving me.

Haymitch keeps looking at me.

"Um ... I'm gonna go out to Peeta and Finn, and let you two talk", Annie says, feeling a but uncomfortable.

I look after her when she walks out of the back door here in the kitchen.

Haymitch clears his throat, and I look at him, eating another spoon of ice cream.

"So?" I ask a bit rudely, because really, I'm pretty annoyed with him. He became like my mother, only Haymitch tried to kill himself instead, while trying to drown himself in his damn alcohol. "Did you want something, Mr. I-don't-care-about-anyone-else-but-myself?"

Haymitch scratches his neck.

"Okay, I deserved that one", he says, sitting down in the chair beside me.

"Yeah you did, and some more, no, no no, lots more, you know, I could write more than a million pages with comments you deserve, and that still wouldn't be enough", I snap, letting my anger come up to the surface. "Peeta and I, and everyone else also got sad because of Effie leaving but we didn't try to kill ourselves!"

Haymitch chuckle low.

"Actually, I didn't try to kill myself, but I start to get that everyone thought I did", he says. "And you're right about no one else shutting themselves inside their houses, but I'm sorry, Effie kind of is my best and only friend besides Plutarch".

"You know you have me and Peeta right?" I ask.

Haymitch smiles sadly.

"You know ... I don't see you two as friends Katniss", Haymitch says.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"I ... I see you as son and daughter Katniss", he says.

I just sit down and look at him.

Is he serious? Did that just come out of Haymitch Abernathy's mouth?

Noooo... That can't be right. Can it? No ... or can it?

Haymitch mouth is still open, so I now know that the words came out of his mouth.

My eyes starts to fill with tears but I can't spill. Not now.

But it's too late.

"Oh Haymitch..." I say low and hug him.

He hugs me back. Tight.

I never knew that Haymitch thought of me and Peeta this way. Why didn't he ever tell us? I seriously don't understand that. He could've just told us.

"Aww am I interrupting something?" I hear Peeta ask.

I pull away from Haymitch hug and look at Peeta, standing in the doorway of the back door.

"Nope, actually your missing, so come over here, you goof", I say, smiling.

Peeta chuckles and comes up.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for burping in your face yesterday Peeta", Haymitch says.

My eyes widen and I struggle to keep away my laugh.

"Excuse me?" I ask choked, by the effort if trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, I went and told him off yesterday, and he burped in my face", Peeta says, chuckling. "But it's okay, I've almost forgiven you, Haymitch".

"Good", Haymitch says.

"Grawnpwa!" I hear a cute voice shout.

Finn was trying to say grandpa.

That's so cute. Finn sees Haymitch as his grandfather.

Haymitch laughs and walks up to Finn.

Thank god, Haymitch has come back to life again. I really missed him.



Oh yey, Haymitch is back with Katniss and Peeta :D

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-Josephine xx

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