The Fifth Chapter

Beginne am Anfang

Jimin glared at him and sighed. "Are you always this stubborn,"

"I got it from my dad," The strawberry blonde replied. Jimin nodded. "You remind me of my mom. Taking care of my wounds and shit,"

"It would be a lot easier if you'd actually let me then. Sit," Jimin patted his hand on the table. Yoongi crossed his arms across his chest. "Hyung,"

"... Fine," Yoongi gave in. The older sat down in the kitchen counter in front of Jimin as the younger smiled in satisfaction and poured some rubbing alcohol onto a cotton pad.

"This is gonna sting," The orange haired said, placing the cottonpad on the bleeding cut across Yoongis nose bridge. Yoongi hissed. "Hold it there,"

Jimin rolled another cotton pad and told Yoongi to stuff it up under his upper lip.

"Its just a bloody nose, why are you making such a big deal about it?" Yoongi asked before shoving the cotton into his mouth.

Jimin chuckled. "If it's 'just' anything, its just broken,"

"What!" Yoongi exclaimed, removing the cottonpad as he jumped off the kitchen counter. He quickly grabbed a spoon and looked at himself.

Jimin chuckled. "What's the matter? It'll heal within a few weeks,"

"Whats the matter? How can you say that?" Yoongi replied glaring at the younger. "It'll heal crooked, which means my face will be asymmetrical. I won't be as handsome anymore,"

"You'll always be handsome, hyung," Jimin mumbled. His back was turned towards Yoongi.

"What did you say?" Yoongi asked. Jimin blushed, realizing that what he had meant to think, he had said out loud. He turned around, smiling awkwardly. In his hands he had two small popsicle sticks, some foam and sports tape.

"Nothing," He said. "Sit still. Im gonna put the band aid on,"

Jungkooks POV

It's  my fault he left. I wasn't thinking straight, I knew he heard it when I saw the pain flash across his eyes.  It was a look of disbelief. The others were all being so harsh on him, so of course he was gonna get hurt when the only person who was actually nice to him such things about him.

"Fool, fool, fool," I mumbled, banging my head against the pillow.

After Bang told us to leave, I had locked myself in my room. I didn't want to talk to anyone, I just wanted to be alone. None of the would have understood how it felt, being the reason someone left, possibly forever. The guilt ate away at me from the inside out, I could feel it, the constant pressure in my chest.

They kept coming in and out of my room, asking if I was okay, at one point someone put a bowl of food by my bed. I stayed in there the rest of the night, I didn't want to be out there if Taehyung wasn't there. I knew they would all be celebrating him leaving. They were all be making fun of him, I could hear it from my room. Laughter and mocking voices, they were enjoying themselves, and I didn't want to be a part of it.

'Your fault. It's all your fault. You're the reason he left, you chased him away, now he's in danger. Alone in a strange place.' The thoughts wouldn't leave, no matter how hard I tried to get rid of them. It hurt, the constant barrage of negativity coming from my subconscious. I turned around, laying on my back. Gazing into the dark, I felt the guilt grow stronger.  

"Fuck it," I mumbled, getting up from my bed. I walked over to my drawers and grabbed a sweater before leaving the dorm. I passed the kitchen right at Jimin looked over, our eyes meeting. 

"Look who came out of hiding," He said getting up. I rolled my eyes and pulled the sweater over my head. "Going somewhere?" 

I ignored him as I put on my shoes. I could smell a strong scnet of alcohol coming from the boys clothes. It was disgusting. How could they be celebrating knowing what they had done? Were they really that heartless?

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