The Eighth Chapter

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Tae pov

Bang woke us up the next morning, telling us that training was to start. Almost everyone was outside, the only one missing being Jungkook, all complaining of the time, the weather, and everything else they could've possibly thought of. I tried to tune them out, not wanting to hear them at this early in the morning. None of them were bothering to try to talk to me, the incident from yesterday still fresh in everyone's minds. They were all thinking the same thing, that it was better when I was gone. It was better when I wasn't taking up empty space, sitting in silence, until one of them tried to make a joke or start a fight, and I'd either lose my temper or storm out, providing a bit of entertainment at most. At worst, what happened with Yoongi.

I didn't like thinking about that day, the fact that I let my temper take over. I hated thinking of the feeling of bone crunching under my fist as I swung, and the fact that I loved it, reveled in it. Yoongi's nose was bruised, swollen, and off center.They didn't set it in the right place, and it would heal crooked, which would serve as nothing more than a reminder of when i lost control. Jimin was doting on him, connected to his hip like a puppy following its owner, constantly asking if he was okay.

I shivered, the cold of the early morning air chilling me. It was a bit after five in the morning, everyone was tired and jungkook still wasn't outside. Bang sighed, a cloud forming in front of him as he spoke.

"Where is that kid? He was supposed to meet us out here five minutes ago. Jimin, go find him please." Jimin nodded, and walked off. The others continued talking, wondering why Bang would wake us up this early for training. I stood next to the car, watching the sun rise over the trees, pinks and oranges spreading across the sky, darkening into lavender and blue. Someone spoke, taking me out of my head.

"There he is! Welcome to the real world, Sleeping Beauty" Namjoon walked up to Jungkook, clapping his back and making the boy pout. He muttered out something about us being too loud before walking over to where we were all standing.

He was wrapped in a sweater, hair a mess and eyes half shut. He leaned down to Jimin's shoulder, small snores leaving his lips almost as soon as his head was resting on it. Jimin giggled, and swatted his hand away, the younger pouting once again. I laughed, he didn't know how he looked, pouting about not being able to sleep standing up.

'Good morning, sunshine. Sleep well?' He blushed and stumbled over to me. He opened his mouth to talk, a yawn escaped instead. His eyes watered slightly, and he wiped them before laying a hand on my shoulder and leaning into my ear.

"Tae," he whispered "Please shut the fuck up." He patted my shoulder and walked back over to Jimin and the others, all of them giving him looks as if they wanted to ask what happened.

Bang clapped his hands and opened the doors of the car, "Alright, now that you're all here, we can get on with this. Now, before you all sit next to your roommates, I did make a seating arrangement to avoid any unnecessary conflict." Everyone groaned, asking why they couldn't just choose their own seats, Yoongi pointing out that he wouldn't sit next to me if his life depended on it.

"Enough!" Bang slammed his fist against the side of the car, stunning everyone into silence, "You will all sit where you're assigned and I don't want to hear any more on this matter. Got it?" They all nodded, too afraid to speak any further.

"Good. Now, Jimin and Yoongi will be in the front row, Namjoon and Jin in the second, and Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook in the third. Everyone pile in, there's a hell of a drive ahead of us." Everyone nodded, and started towards their respective seats.

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