Chapter Forty - KC

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I am so excited to announce that instead of Ky Le Van writing this chapter for KC, I, izzywriter, will be writing it instead! She had an idea for my chapter and wanted to write it, so this chapter was written by me, and Lilith's next chapter will have been written by Ky Le Van. After that, we'll get back to normal :)


A recommendation: don't chase evil kidnappers down abandoned highways in the dead of night. Especially if you failed your driver's test three times in a row. I almost hit, like, five trees, and they were nowhere near the road.

Luckily, I didn't have to keep swerving like a drunken person for long. The car I was following abruptly turned onto a dirt road that was nearly impossible to see in the darkness. I may or may not have shouted a few choice swear words as I followed them. I was under a lot of pressure, okay?

The dirt road only continued for a few hundred feet before it ended at the edge of some woods. Now I was faced with a real problem. Obviously, they knew I had followed them. I mean, come on, it was an empty highway and we were the only two cars on it.

But now, I would have to leave my car and possibly fight them. And as amazing as I am, I didn't think I could take on three trained adults at the same time.

"Oh, why not," I muttered, jumping out of the car and readying my gun. I was hoping that maybe I could just scare them into leaving, but I somehow knew that wasn't going to happen.

They, too, got out of the car. "This doesn't have to go like this," the woman called to me. "You can still walk away."

I stared at them. "Are you stupid? You have my friends, loser."

The woman took a deep breath. "Okay, boys." Her two goons reached back into the car and pulled out guns of their own.

Well, crap.

Very quickly, I came up with a pretty amazing plan. "Stop," I said quickly. "I changed my mind. I'll come with you." I threw my gun back into the car, slammed the door, and locked it.

The woman's eyes flicked from me to the car. "Fine," she said finally, grinning. The two men came over to me and twisted my arms behind my back. I bit back a curse. Keep your eyes on the prize, KC.

They manhandled me into the woods. We walked for a couple hundred feet before the woman stopped and bent to brush away a pile of dirt and dead leaves. It revealed a trapdoor in the ground. She wrenched it open and ordered one of the men to go down ahead of us. Then me, then the other man, then her.

I had no problem with this. On the ladder, I made sure to kick the guy beneath me a few times in the head "accidentally" so that he growled and sped up. Idiot.

That way, we reached the ground way before the other two. I sidled up against the wall and suddenly broke into a run down the hall. With an angry shout, the guy chased me and caught me. Perfect.

I stomped my foot as hard as possible down on his toes. As he grunted and his grip weakened, I lifted my feet from the floor so he was carrying my whole weight. Startled, he dropped me, favoring his injured foot.

I rolled to my feet and kicked him as hard as possible in the stomach. He dropped to the floor and I slammed his head against the wall with my foot. When he was unconscious, I glanced down the hallway and saw that soon, it branched into a fork. I sped for the turn, of course taking the left one before the other man and woman were even down the ladder.

I continued running down the hall, feeling pretty awesome. I was about to save my friends.


Please tell me if I wrote as KC effectively! I'm interested to hear your thoughts :)

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