Chapter Fourteen - KC

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On the bright side, I got to drive. After that embarrassing scene on the bridge, we heard moaning and groaning on both sides of our "campsite." Of course, they were zombies. Obviously.

I grabbed Jared's hand and ran towards the car at full speed. "You're shotgun!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Oh crap. You know I can't shoot."

"Well, now's a great time to practice!"

I slammed the car door. Jared barely had the time to buckle his seatbelt before I careened off the bridge towards Costco. I wasn't wearing a seatbelt. Road rules don't apply in a car chase, DUH!

I swerved through New York. My driving is almost as bad as a taxi driver's, so we did a lot of curb-hopping and fishtailing and all sorts of other fun things that made Jared grip the dashboard so hard, his fingernails cut dents into the material. "Can you not? I'm trying to shoot here!" Jared yelled.

"And I'm trying to squish zombies into jelly! And also live through this!"

"Whatever, dude. But could you, please, please, please, not drive like that?"

"It's the only way I know how to drive in a car chase! Now, hold on!"
I gunned the gas as hard as it would go. The tires spun wildly before catching, and we were off.

The Camaro went into a drift as we went past the Costco. I had enough time to warn Lilith and Benji of the impending zombie horde. They were at the door, and as soon as they saw me,they turned to run. I yelled, "HIde! Zombies!" They hid. I looked over my shoulder at the Costco, to make sure that they were out of the way.

I fishtailed into the woods near the Costco. Jared was jostling around in his seat. (Heh heh. Alliteration.) But yeah, he had a seat belt on and HE was complaining? What gives about that? I ran over tree stumps and branches and all sorts of other forest-y things. We crashed head-on into a tree. I felt really sorry for the Camaro. I mean, it's a sweet car, and I totaled it. "You had one job, KC," I thought. "Drive the car away from the zombies. But NOOOOOOO. You HAD to crash it! into a tree! Tu es bete."

The zombies approached the totaled car. Groaning and moaning, they started climbing. What the heck? Zombies can climb?!?! Jared and I shared a look. Apparently, he didn't know that zombies could climb, either.

We tried to climb fast. Jared was already partway up the tree, but I couldn't move quick enough. The zombies clawed at my legs. Good thing I wear a lot of leather, or I would've been a zombie. I lost my footing. Slipping down the roof of the Camaro, I screamed, "SHOOT THEM!"

Jared complied. The bullets ricocheted around me, and I kept sliding. A zombie raked her manicured talons down my cheek. An inferno of pain exploded on the left side of my face. Before I blacked out, I caught sight of the zombie's emaciated face. It was Marianna.  

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