"Okay, I want you to begin with Scene 13. Add as much emotion as you can. Then, go in for a kiss, but she'll push you away, and you leave the scene."

Stella gulped loudly as she watched their eyes quirk together as a smile slipped onto Kat's lips. She was enjoying this, rather too much.

"Jesse," she read off the script, stepping just a bit close, but there wasn't much space between the two, "I know I shouldn't trust you. I know it probably won't work out, but we can't deny this anymore."

Xavier sighed, already playing his part perfectly. "Maybe, but I don't want to put you in danger. I can't. It's enough having to protect my family, but I think losing you would kill me..."

Stella smiled at the believable honesty in his words. It all felt so real. As if it was a real life movie reeling right in front of her eyes. But as he talked, Stella noticed the rotation in his sight as his eyes seemed to look over to hers. Everything felt so surreal whenever his sight moved over to her. She hung her head low as she filmed the whole scene, Xavier's eyes occasionally looking over at her, maybe too many times, right until the point where they were closer than ever, nose to nose, eye to eye, hip to hip. She could feel her hand shake slowly, but she held the camera high, blocking out everything else except for the job that needed to be done.

Just as their lips were about to reach against each other's, having Stella right at the edge of the seat, Chance loudly yelled "Cut!" - reality sinking in.

"Xavier, what's up? You seem distracted. Why do your eyes keep looking over at my direction? What are you looking at?" Before Stella could duck to abolish herself from his view, his eyes fell over her, leaving her body paralyzed as she offered a small smile.

"Ah," he stated as he looked over at Xavier before setting his eyes on her again, "I understand now. If I had such a lovely lady sitting so close, I wouldn't be able to focus either," he said as he looked over at Xavier, luckily for her as her cheeks rose in color.

Suddenly, his hand stretched out to her, a small smile playing at his lips. "If you're what he needs to focus more, come on over."

Stella gulped as her eyes widened in shock. There was no way she was going to act out in front of him, nonetheless in front of Xavier! She would probably suck so bad, they would all be snickering in seconds.

She shook her hand as she tried to move further away, but ended up falling onto the seat. "I - I can't. I'm no actress."

"Doesn't matter," he said with a wider smile as his hand remained stuck out, "do this for Xavier. You're here for him, right?"

She nodded as she tried to figure out another excuse, but it was already to late as he approached her, grabbed her hand, and mauled her over onto the stage, even as she struggled furiously. She couldn't act.

This was beyond embarrassing!

Xavier extended his palm out for her, a smirk clearly edging at his lips. She glared at him as she bounced up, his palm holding her steady as her feet met the stage. His hand surrounded her for a couple more seconds before releasing his hold, and going back to staring.

"Okay, so, let's begin with Scene 19 this time. The scene where a flame seems to ignite, and your first kiss occurs. You don't have to kiss if not wanted, but Xavier, be reminded, that in the movie, you guys will be kissing plenty."

Stella sighed as her eyes found Xavier's, who seemed just as annoyed in a way. Did he not want to kiss her? Was the idea itself that bad? He smiled slightly, but behind it, was masked something she couldn't set her finger on.

Xavier handed her the script as she flipped to the correct page, whipping her hair back for preparation.

"Scene 19!"

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