*At his House*

I get out of the car as Luke pulls me up alittle and we start to walk inside. Jai stops pops out of nowhere and I screamed Luke picked me up and started to carry me inside I put my arm and ice in my lap and my eyes become heavier they close and I shove my face into Luke's warm chest.

(Luke's POV)

Jai pops out of nowhere and Kristy screams I pick her up and start to carry she sets her arm with the ice in her lap she closes her eyes and so she's fast asleep. I open the door and walk in bringing her up the stairs and open the door to my room. I lay her on my bed and cover her up with my blanket then grabing a blanket from my closet along with a pillow. "Luke is that you?" I hear her ask as I turn around to find her awake and sitting up with the ice on her arm. 'Ya Kristy what's wrong?' I ask her as she lays back down on my bed I walk over to her and sit on the egde.

"I'm scared." She whispers and looks at me, I look into her icy blue eyes as the light hits them and kiss her forehead.'It'll be ok, I promise I'll be here when you wake up in the morning.' I say to her as she turns on her side placing her head on my knee. I place her head down on my pillow and run a hand through her hair pushing it out of her face. She closed her eyes and covered her body with my blanket again I got up very carefuly and wlaked out of my room and down to the living room. I put down my pillow and blanket then jumped onto the couch covering myself with the blanket. i close my eyes and they start to get heavy and I drift to sleep.

*In the Morning (Kristy's POV)

I wake up to a person jumping on the bed I open my eyes and see Jai. 'Jai go away let me sleep!' I scream at him and then I hear thumping up the stairs they open the door and I see Luke. He comes and pulls Jai away from me I sit up with his help and then kiss his cheek. I look at the clock next to his bed and it said 8:00 A.M. 'Fuck!' I curse under my breath and get up running to his bathroom and striping down I turn on the water and hop in I start humming and wash my body.

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air

If I should die before I wake

It's 'cause you took my breath away

Losing you is like living in a world with no air


I'm here alone, didn't wanna leave

My heart won't move, it's incomplete

Wish there was a way that I can make you understand

But how do you expect me

to live alone with just me

'Cause my world revolves around you

It's so hard for me to breathe

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air

Can't live, can't breathe with no air

It's how I feel whenever you ain't there

It's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep

Tell me how you gonna be without me

If you ain't here, I just can't breathe

It's no air, no air

No air, air

No air, air

No air, air

No air, air

I walked, I ran, I jumped, I flew

Right off the ground to float to you

There's no gravity to hold me down for real

But somehow I'm still alive inside

You took my breath, but I survived

I don't know how, but I don't even care

So how do you expect me

to live alone with just me

'Cause my world revolves around you

It's so hard for me to breathe

No air, air

No air, air

No air, air

No air, air

No more

It's no air, no air

No air, air

No air, air

No air, air

No air, air

Tell me how I'm supposed to breathe with no air

Can't live, can't breathe with no air

It's how I feel whenever you ain't there

It's no air, no air

Got me out here in the water so deep

Tell me how you gonna be without me

If you ain't here, I just can't breathe

It's no air, no air

No air, air

No air, air

No air, air

No air

I get out of the shower and walk into Luke's room wrapped in a towel and they both stare at me with their eyes wide open and mouths open too. 'Hey you both knew I could sing.' I say to them and they stay the same as before then I relise their stairing at my body wrapped in the towel."We knew you could sing but your body is amazing." Luke says looking me up and down.'Ewwww! Luke, Jai don't be pervert.' I say pulling on a pair of shorts and t-shirt then pushing my way past them and walking down the stairs and into the kitchen to see Beau crying at the breakfast bar.

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