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Thank you!
Thank you guys so so much for reading this! And thank you for all the votes and comments it really makes my day to see that!
A few things I'd like to say about this book:
1 Yes there is going to be a sequel coming out very, very soon I already have almost five chapters for it so be ready for that emotional ride!

2 This book was written in eleven days to be exact and took about one day to edit it so it was spell checked properly XD.

3 The song on chapter Thirty is actually what inspired me to write that chapter the way I did, I turned to nightcore almost through out this whole book if I got stuck, just by listening to music my brain starts flowing and getting new ideas; this song in particular though is one that was always very inspiring and lovely to me and I always thought of the idea of writing this book when I heard it!

4 Thank you all so very much for reading it really means a lot to me, without you guys reading this, this account and these stories would literally be nothing, without you guys I'm just some weirdo who makes up random stuff, I appreciate all the support and love from you guys so again thank you so so much! I know I'm getting kinda preachy so I'm gonna wrap this all up now!  I hope you lovelies enjoyed this book and enjoy the sequel! Again thank you and I will see all my lovely pervs in the next book later!!! ^-^ <3

~Kawaii Unicorn

A Tragically Beautiful EventDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora