Chapter Six

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--Previously: I've never seen such a empty expression on his face. --

"I... It's just... I have no one Y/n, no one that makes me feel happy and loved like yeah okay I have some friends that I hang out with but it's different and I know what you're going to say but I wasn't always like this, I just.... I was sick of being alone! Sick of feeling lonely and like I had no one, Y/n you know what that's like!" His voice was full of pain, I could see the hurt on his face and I nodded looking down, "You had Tyler, I had no one to fall back on at the time, but now I have you and I-I know this isn't the right thing to do but you wouldn't agree any other way" He sighed, I just silently sipped my coffee and let him speak, he sighed and hung his head low, I stood up and placed my coffee on the floor walking up next to him, Sitting down (being slightly behind) I wrapped my arm around his shoulders and looked at him, placing my hand on his other shoulder closest to me, "I know how you feel Mark, but if you would've just tried to be friendly with me then I would have given you a chance" I said softly, his head jerked up and he looked at me, "Really?" He whispered, sadly, "Really" I replied, still sounding as calm as possible, I knew it would be best to keep calm so he didn't panic.

He looked back down and tears slipped down his face, "I messed everything up" He cried softly, "Well sorta..." I shyly responded, Mark turned and looked at me, he grabbed my face and held it in his hands, "Give me a chance Y/n, please! I could be a great boyfriend, I promise!" He begged, "What? Mark no!" I responded quickly, "Then I guess it's back to the same old, same old" He purred while pushing me flat on my back, I attempted to get up but Mark crawled on top of me.

"Mark you said-" He silenced me by putting his index finger on my lips, "Shh I'm not hurting you am I?" He asked softly, I shook my head, "Okay and I'm not going to" He assured me, "But why are yo-" I was cut off by Mark roughly pressing his soft lips to mine, I couldn't move as he kissed me passionately, I'd be lying if I said he wasn't a good kisser and I'd be lying if I said didn't slightly enjoy it.
I tried to push Mark off but it didn't work, oh what the hell, I thought to myself, he's gonna keep doing it and I'm stuck here anyways, I kissed back slightly, his lips curved into a small smile as he kept me pushed to the floor, he kept a hand behind my head making sure I wasn't hurt by the rough, concrete basement floor.

After a few more seconds Mark pulled away and brought his lips to my ear, "I know you enjoyed it that time" He whispered seductively, "N-no, I just took pity on you for being alone" I replied, I could feel embarrassment flooding over me, did I really just kiss my kidnaper and enjoy it? He harmed me in so many ways why would I do that? I still don't believe he won't harm me but I assume it won't be as bad as last night, which was slightly better with me, if he was gonna harm me at least don't go all out... I guess?

Mark just laid there on top of me, caressing my body and resting his face in my neck, occasionally kissing it softly, I felt his soft tears roll down my neck, "Y/n?" He asked softly, "Hmm?" I responded, "Do you still hate me?" He asked, I felt more tears, "Well yes but I hate you... Less now?" I replied awkwardly, "How did I make you hate me less?" He questioned, "Well you're not harming me in anyway currently and at least you apologized last night, you're being slightly nicer and more gentle then before and actually kinda have a heart even though your a Perv who kidnapped me" I responded.

Mark was silent, taking in every word and thinking it over slowly, "So the nicer I am the more you'll like me? Is that correct?" He asked propping himself up on his hands to look at me,
"Well the less terrified I'll be" I corrected, "Are you afraid of me?" He asked, "I feel a lot of emotions about you" I replied using my arms to push myself across the floor out from under his masculine body, I got up and grabbed my coffee taking a sip then placing it on the table, sitting on the bed Mark came over to sit a little to close to me, "Go on" He said looking me dead in the eyes, I tilted my head a little and looked at him confused, "Tell me how you feel about me, I won't be angry with you" He said calmly, "Promise?" I asked, "Promise" He replied with a nod, I just stared at him in silence while he patiently waited for my answer.

"Okay...." I started slowly, "I feel anxious and scared when you come around me, I feel Rage and Sadness when I'm left alone, I feel disgust and yet slightly pleasured when you touch and kiss me, I feel alone and comforted when you hug me, everything you do to me makes me feel two totally different ways at once" I sighed, "Oh" He replied looking down,
"Did I also mention you annoy the hell out of me most of the time" I scoffed, "No, no you forgot that one" He said timidly. A few moments passed and I looked over at him to see anger in his eyes, I felt fear rise through me as I moved away cautiously, Mark raised his arm quickly and I coward down in fear, Marks eyes widened, "N-no I-I wasn't gonna hit you!" He panicked.

Mark kept a arm wrapped around my shoulders, his other arm rested in my lap holding my hand furthest from him, "I'm sorry, I don't want you to feel afraid" He said, softly running his fingers in slow circles on my shoulder, I trembled in fear as he held me, "Try to calm down Y/n, I won't hurt you" He kissed my forehead softly.

"I need to ask you something" I said feeling shaken still, "Anything darling" He responded softly, "Why is abuse the thing you turn to? Was somebody hurting you? Is that why it makes you feel dominant?" I asked trembling, Mark sighed.

~Kawaii Unicorn

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