Chapter Twenty Two

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--Previously: "I don't know... I mean I wanna go on dates and stuff but I know it's kinda hard to do that with being chased and stuff" I answered. --

I waited a few minutes as Mark was silently sitting at a red light, "Let's have a date just the two of us on Saturday night" He said, "Really?" I asked, "Yup that's three days from now" He smiled at me, "Okay!" I exclaimed, we headed back towards the large cabin, I glanced over at Mark a few times he seemed pretty smiley all of a sudden.

We headed inside and took our bags to our room, throwing them on the floor, "Alright I have to go for awhile, so just chill here, but don't worry there's always at least one person here at all times, not including you of course" He smiled, "Okay why can't I go with you?" I asked, "Cause it's my job to keep you safe and I feel like doing this job more quietly then trigger happy" He chuckled giving me a kiss and walking out, "Just play your game you'll be fine" He called out before shutting and locking the front door.

I sighed and grabbed my big plastic brick of a gameboy and flicked on the power switch, I listened to the retro start up sounds of the game I had in; a small RPG about catching animals.
I walked out and sat on a chair in the living room, throwing my feet up on a footrest, I just sat and played my game, listening to the retro music, "I didn't know you liked video games" Brian said making me jump, "Sorry I wasn't trying to scare your" He laughed while sitting on the couch, "Yeah I have a lot of games to be honest" I laughed slightly while walking to a store in my game.

"My favorite though is a fighting game that I have were you gotta go through levels and beat different characters with karate moves!" I exclaimed, "Oh I used to play that game!" He said excitedly, "Really? Do you still have it? I have my link up USB" I stated, "Yeah I'll get" He said, I went and grabbed my USB and game, heading back to the living room, sitting on the couch this time, he came and sat next to me, we shifted our bodies so we were across from each other as we plugged in the USB cord, I hit two player as did Brain and we started up, I chose and ice character and he chose a basic Japanese guy who looked like a character from a karate movie.

"Four times in a row" He laughed at his own defeat, "Wait for it.." I said as text came on the screen 'Finish Him' it read as I did a flying kick. "Rematch?" He asked, "Sure" I laughed.
we played for awhile, Brian got a few wins but we both knew I was the master at this game, "Damn it!" He raged slightly as I won the last round, "She's good at games isn't she?" Mark chimed in, "Yeah, you could take her though" Brain said, "I'd rather not crush her ego" He teased, "Please like you could crush me in this" I laughed, Brian handed Mark the system and I destroyed him in five rounds of it, "I let you win" Mark teased, "Sure you did" I laughed unlinking us.

"Thanks for playing with me" I said to Brian and he nodded, Mark smiled widely and handed Brian his game back, "You seemed to have fun" He smiled, "I did" I replied putting my game away, "Good I'm glad you're doing well here" He said sitting on the bed, I walked over and sat on his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and resting on his shoulder, "Yeah it's pretty calm here" I said quietly, "I know" He smiled softly as I nuzzled into his neck, "Did you miss me?" He laughed, "Yup" I giggled.

A few days passed quickly, I woke up realizing it was Saturday, "Today's are date night" Mark smiled refusing to let me get up, I didn't mind since the cottage was cold and he was warm, "You're right it is" I smiled snuggling up to his warm chest, "Why do they keep it so cold in here?" I asked, "Probably cause it's warm outside" He replied with a chuckle, I started to feel kind of sick as we laid there, "Hey you don't look great" Mark said looking at me, "I'm not feeling to hot" I said starting to tremble slightly.

We heard a knock on the door and I jumped, Mark sat up in bed as did I. "Wait!" I said as he got up and got dressed, "What?" He asked softly as I got up and got dressed too although I felt very dizzy, "Can't someone else just answer it?" I asked, "Yeah but it's good to be ready" I heard the door open and people step inside, "Oh.. Uh Mark!" Suzy called out, Mark took my hand and pulled me behind him, blocking me from the strangers with his body as if he was a shield.

"Oh you've gotta be kidding me" Mark chuckled, "Shut up Mark it's important" A guy with a higher pitched voice and blue hair said, "As you wish blue boy" He teased, "Okay okay" Another guy jumped in, he had green hair and a Irish accent, "Listen we don't want trouble we just wanna talk to you" A tall man with thinning brown hair said, "Shut up Wade!" Mark said, "Sean why do you guys want to talk to me if you don't want trouble?" Mark asked the green haired man, "We need some help..." .

~Kawaii Unicorn

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