Chapter sixteen

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Slight trigger warning:

--previously: Tyler barged into my room and his mouth dropped, "What are you doing here? Let her go!" He yelled. --

Mark and I jumped, "Tyler it's not what you think" I said, "Oh yeah? So he didn't climb through your window and rape you?" Tyler said raising and eyebrow? "And he didn't hurt you at all? Cause I got calls saying 'I think I heard Y/n screaming and she might be in danger' " he stood there with his arms crossed, "N-no he didn't rape me..." I felt my face heat up and Mark shifted uncomfortably, "Alright let's get something straight, you can like whoever you want and sadly you can make your own choices, but the second he does anything to you I will beat the living shit out of him got it?" Tyler snapped, "Yeah whatever" Mark rolled his eyes, I nudged him,
"Okay" He responded looking down in annoyance, "Good" He stated sternly, "I don't like you but since Y/n does I guess you can stay or whatever, goodnight Y/n" He smiled, "Night Tyler" I smiled back.

"Wow that's the guy you wanted to be back with for so long?" Mark laughed curling his body around me, "Well... Yeah, he's protective like a brother I mean you did hurt me a lot... And I was crying everyday because I missed you and I was also tore up about being kidnapped" I said, "I made you sad by doing all that?" He frowned, I nodded and he looked guilty, "We should sleep" He said, getting up and flicking off my light, "Mark are you okay?" I asked, "Fine, sleep" He said wrapping his arms around me like he used to.

I woke up the next morning alone, I went downstairs to see Tyler pinning Mark to the fridge and Mark looking down, "What's going on" I asked, "Tell her!" Tyler commanded, "I can't" He said back, "She deserves to know, tell her!" Tyler yelled, "No!" Mark yelled back, "Tell me what?" I asked, Mark looked me over then shifted his watery eyes away, "Go on" Tyler said nodding towards me, "Y/n I-... Your sister is making me.... She's making me kill you..." He said, my heart dropped, "But-but you weren't going to... Right?" I asked, "I saw him with a gun this morning" Tyler sighed, I felt my eyes water, "Y/n it's not like that, I wasn't going to kill you I swear!" Mark exclaimed trying to move away but Tyler slammed him back to the fridge, "Get out" I sniffed, "What?" He looked like he could burst into tears, I pushed Tyler out of the way and got close to Mark, "You did all those things last night, I thought you loved me, but you're a lair, you don't care at all, get the fuck out of my house" I said.

I watched as Mark slowly left, he looked shocked as a tear ran down his face, "Y/n-" He whispered on his way out, "Don't even try" I snapped, Mark nodded and hung his head as he walked down the driveway.
"Come here" Tyler said after I shut and locked the door, I did what I was told and approached Tyler, he gave me a comforting hug, "It's okay" He said softly, "I can't believe he was going to kill me" I sighed.

I ran upstairs and laid on my bed, I cried into a pillow softly, "I can't believe I loved him, when all he wanted was for me to suffer" I sobbed. After awhile I decided to get up, I went to the bathroom and saw his clothes there, I grabbed his now dry shirt and hugged it, "Why did you have to listen to her?" I said softly, smelling his sweet scent off the shirt, I walked out to the bedroom still holding his shirt in my hand, I sat on the bed and noticed something on my bedside table; A piece of notebook paper folded up into a small square.
I unfolded it and it read:

"Y/n I'm sorry, your sister is trying to force me to kill you, I can't do it though, I never would've, this is why I've decided to kill myself, she'll leave you alone now, she doesn't need you anymore, that's why I wanted to do all that so badly last night if I'm going to die at least I died knowing you love me, I'm sorry, I'll miss you my love ~Mark <3"

I broke down into tears and ran down stairs holding his shirt tightly, "TYLER!" I yelled out, he came running from the living room where he was watching TV and looked at me with concern, "What? What happened?" He panicked, I handed him the note.

"We gotta find him!" He said grabbing my arm, "You're dressed c'mon lets go" He said throwing my high tops at me, I threw them on and we ran outside, "Where does he live?" Tyler asked, I gave the address of where I was kidnapped. As soon as we pulled in I practically jumped out of the car before it was even stopped, "Mark! Open the door, please" I begged knocking hard. Silence. "Mark please, I'm sorry" I pleaded. Silence. I sighed and ran around the back, "What are you doing?" Tyler asked, "Watch" I replied.

I stood in front of the left side wall, The second floor window was left open, "Boost me up" I said, "What? No! That's not legal" He whisper yelled, "I'm not going to let him die!" I replied, Tyler boosted me up and I struggled to reach the window, I grabbed the edge and pulled myself up, I looked around the average sized room; A king sized bed with cream and brown sheets, A nightstand, walk in closet, clothing littered the floor, knives and guns rested on a desk, some rope with a bit of blood on it was carefully placed on a chair. "Is this his... His room?" I wondered, I walked into his closet and went into shock at what I saw.

~Kawaii Unicorn

A Tragically Beautiful EventTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang