Chapter Twenty Nine

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--Previously: "I see, then we will show him no mercy" Arin said quietly to Mark, "Good" He replied. --

Tyler sat alone in his room crying after he had heard the news of the loss of Y/n he felt kind of bad for Mark so he decided to send him a text.

"I know we have our differences but I just want to say sorry and thank you for protecting Y/n."

Mark looked down at his phone as he got a text.

"Of course, I would've taken that bullet if I would've known."

Mark sighed as he responded.

"I know."

Mark read the text and locked his phone as they pulled up to Matthias's house, "Ross you're stealthy you wanna do it?" Dan offered, "Sure what the hell" He laughed getting out and grabbing a cloth bag and some rope, "Be right back" He said closing the door quietly and running up to the house, "Well this should take about fifteen minutes" Mark clarified pulling out his phone.

"We're planning a funeral, you should come."

Mark texted.

"Wouldn't miss it."

Tyler replied.

After a few long moments Ross came back dragging Matthias across the ground, Matthias kicked and let out muffled screams as he had ropes around him and a cloth sack over his head. "Put him between us" Mark commanded, Ross shoved him in the back between Arin and Mark and jumped in the car, "Hello there" Mark purred pulling the bag off his head, "I- M-Mark hi" He stuttered, "Shut up!" Mark said slapping him hard, "Dan let's go" Mark commanded, putting an arm around Matthias and smiling, "Be ready" He said with a psychotic tone making him sound almost happy.

After a few minutes they pulled up at an abandoned warehouse in the middle of nowhere, Mark looked out at the black sky and smiled wickedly, "I hope you're ready for some fun" Mark purred while grabbing Matthias by his shirt collar and dragging him out of the car, he threw his backpack on his shoulder and dragged him inside, the others following close behind, Mark pushed him to the middle of the warehouse and tied him to a chair, a dim light lit up the area around them.

"Do you know why you're here?" Mark asked so calm it sounded like he was a psychopath, "No why?" Matthias asked tilting his head to the side, "Because you shot the one person that mattered most to me and now because of you she's gone forever!" Mark raised his voice a bit, "That girl, please you could've done better" Matthias replied, Mark slapped him hard across the face, "DON'T EVER TALK THAT WAY ABOUT HER!" He yelled at the top of his lungs, his voice echoing through the large empty warehouse.

"Who would like to start?" Mark asked looking over his three friends, "I'll start" Arin volunteered, "Go for it" He said moving away.
Everyone watched silently as Arin pulled out a large torch lighter and smiled, "Do you think you can mess with us Matt?" Arin asked smiling as he walked behind Matthias's chair, "P-please don't kill me I have a family" He begged, "Oh we won't kill you, we just want you to suffer as much I am" Mark snapped.

Arin torched the back of his neck and he screamed in pain, "S-stop!" He yelled, flesh melting off his neck, Arin pulled away and smiled, "Why should I?" He asked blowing fire onto the side of his neck, Matthias breathed heavily as Arin stopped and walked away. "That felt nice who else?" Arin smiled throwing his torch back in his bag, "I'll take a shot at him" Ross said rummaging through his duffle bag and pulling out a metal baseball bat, he stayed quiet as he took a swing and hit Matthias in the stomach,
And again.
After about ten times he threw his bat in the bag and looked at Dan,
"Go ahead mate it's pretty fun" He smiled.

"Alright let's do this" Dan said cracking his knuckles, he punched Matthias square in the nose and watched as blood trickled down his face, he continued to punch him hard as his face began to bruise and bleed Mark smiled.
"Go ahead man, best for last" Dan said walking over taking a deep breath after all the punches he threw.

"I want you to know something, in life there are consequences, some worse then others, but you'll be shown mercy... Most of the time, I don't show mercy Matt and you should know this by now" Mark growled strapping on fingerless leather gloves and flicking his survival knife forward, "Mark- come on don't you think I've had enough?" Matthias slurred,
"No" Mark replied getting down on his knees next to one of his arms that was strapped to the chair.

"The more gentle I am the better" Mark laughed sliding his survival knife across Matthias's arm, he continued to skin his arm as Matthias screamed in pain, "Shh it's okay" Mark whispered as he finished skinning his arm,
"Now we don't want this to get infected do we? No of course not" Mark said kindly, "Let me clean it for you" He smiled grabbing a bottle of lemon juice from his bag, "Wait no Mark do- AHHHH" Matthias cried out in pain, throwing his head back.

"You're a pathetic piece of shit you know that?" Mark sighed untying him, "Mess with us again and it will be worse next time" He said, Matthias nodded, "How about a ride home?" Mark offered, he just stared in silence, "What I'm a nice guy" Mark chuckled, "I'll get my own ride" He breathed, "Well I tried, goodnight my good sir" Mark pretended to tip his imaginary fedora, "You're insane!" Matthias called out as the guys walked away, "I've been told!" Mark yelled back laughing.

~Kawaii Unicorn

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