Chapter 5: The Little Gymnast

Start from the beginning

Morgan starts to push one of the buttons on my bed. The bed slowly starts to bend forwards. At the beginning I didn’t feel anything. But the farther it bent the more pain I started to feel. When we were almost all the way up, I felt a sharp pain go up my back. I started to cry, it hurt so bad that I felt that my skin on my back was piling off.

Morgan must have noticed that I was in pain because she said,” Do you want us to stop? We’ll stop if it hurts too bad.”

I felt like my back was screaming it when I said,” No! Where almost there keep going!”

When I finally was at sitting position, my face was soaked from my tears and my eyes were probably bright red. I also could hear my parents from behind the door. They wanted to come in but one of the doctors was saying if they went in it might cause me more pain.

Suddenly I realized that I could feel the pain anymore. It wasn’t like it numb. It was more like it disappeared.

Morgan must have realized my change in expression because she said,” The pain was probably from your back from staying in one position for so long, but now your back is use to the new position."

Morgan and the other nurse went on different sides of the bed to lift my up to carry me to my wheelchair. They said together,” 1…2…3…”

They lifted me off of my bed. They set me down on the squishy padded chair. I looked at my bed and found that I had left an indentation of my body from lying there for so long. Also that there was tear stains on my pillow.

I gave a quick laugh and turned to face Jessica. It almost looked like she was going to cry because I was in pain. I said to her,” Ready to go and explore our floor.”

“Of course I am!” she slowly sat up in her bed and grabbed her pustedic leg from the side of her bed. She cautiously put it on, making sure she did nothing wrong. She jumped out of her bed. "Now I'm ready to go." She gave me a smile and came over and turned me around out the door.

Having only one leg must be such a hassle since you can't do as much as people with two legs can do. I looked down to look at her leg. There was a cup thing that held the end of her leg. There was also two rods going down to the rubber foot that was attached a the bottom. I promise to myself that I will get enough money for her to get a brand new leg.

When we got to the door my mom came up to me and gave me a gently hug and said,” This is a big step in your recovery, Abigail. Now go have some fun, but make sure you don’t get hurt any more than you are.”

Jessica zooms out of the doors leaving my parents watching us get farther and farther down the hallway. Jessica said to me when we made a sharp corner,” I’m going to show you the library. It has every book imaginable in there.”

I looked at her and said sarcastically,” What’s up with you and your books?”

She didn’t answer my comment. She just kept zooming down the hallway, not paying any attention to all the nurses yelling at us to slow down and to stop running.

When we finally got to the library, I saw that there were book shelves that went all the way up to the ceiling. All the different sections of the book shelves had labels of what kind of genre they were. They also had a few long desks with book reading lamps on them and some chairs with wheels.

 She rolled me to one of the tables. On the table there was a book that a little girl must have left. Jessica walked up to it and picked it up and started to carry it to one of the book shelves.

 I caught a quick glance at the cover. I suddenly realized what it was. It was my favorite book when I was a little kid. I used to read that same book all the time. I called to Jessica,” Hey can you bring that book here?”

She turned around and asked,” Why? It’s just a little kid book.”

” Just bring it here. I want to see it.”

She turned around and headed towards the desk. She handed me the book. I was right it was the book I read when I was little. I asked her,” Can I take this back to the room?  So maybe later I can read it if I get bored” I was trying to cover up that I really wanted to read this book again.

“Ya I guess the nurses probably wouldn’t mine.” she grabbed the handles and started wheeling to another room. When she was running I was just looked at the mysterious book that I had just found.  The Little Gymnast.


Thanks you to @BeAfraidOfDark for spending the time to make the amazing cover for Won’t Stay Down For Long. Thank you so much!!! Also don’t forget to Vote and Comment! So I can know how well I am doing with the whole wring thing.

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