Hiccup sucked in a sharp breath and Astrid pulled her hand away.

"That's... strange. A punch shouldn't be able to do that much damage." Astrid murmured, looking at Hiccup.

"They don't call him Dagur for nothing." He muttered.

It all clicked into place.

While it was a little hard to believe that Dagur would knife someone, he was the most unpredictable person she'd ever met. And he really was called Dagur because of his love of knives.

She grabbed some alcohol and a faded yellow rag.

She wet the rag and turned to Hiccup.

"This will probably hurt. A lot. Just try to hold still."

She put the rag on the side of his head, gently rubbing it to get it clean.

even though she tried to be gentle, every time she moved the rag Hiccup flinched.

He was biting his tongue to keep from screaming, his eyes shut tight.

His injury was pretty severe, and she wasn't sure she'd be able to clean it with only the stuff they had at the clinic.

Realizing that the rag was now completely covered in blood she paused to change rags.

She glanced at Hiccup.

He was staring at the bloody rag, his face fearful.

"You'll be okay, Hiccup. It'll be okay." She reassured him.

He said nothing.

She put a rag to his head again.

He hissed through his teeth, grabbing her wrist and stopping her.

"Hiccup, let go!" She demanded, trying to pull her arm out of his grasp.

He didn't let go.

She stopped, frowning. "Hiccup?"

He looked at her. His eyes shown with unshed tears, his face vulnerable. She again felt bad for all the horrible accusations she'd made about him in the past, he was much more complex than she ever thought he was.

She suddenly realized how close they were, their faces just inches away from touching.

The moment shattered as a phone rang in the silent, small room.

Hiccup pulled his phone out of his pocket before silencing it and slipping it back in.

"Who was that?" Astrid whispered, not daring to speak any louder.

"Nobody." Hiccup answered, just as quiet.

She knew that it was Tuffnut, but she also knew that she shouldn't get involved. It was his own business, and she knew it was best to stay out of it.

They stared at each other for a second, a spark running through her wrist and warming her entire body.

After a few seconds, Hiccup released Astrid's hand and pulled away.

He seemed reluctant to do so, and Astrid was just as disappointed.

The mood between them had changed, and she wasn't sure id she liked it.

Needing to clear her head, she stood up and began to put away the supplies she had gotten out.

Hiccup realized he should move, too, stumbling before finally managing a standing position. 

Astrid finished putting everything away, gesturing for Hiccup to get out before closing the bathroom door.

They sat down on the couch, Hiccup putting his head in his hands.

Astrid wrapped her arm around his back, trying to help him relax.

She leveled her head with his, whispering in his ear.

"He's gonna be okay, Hiccup. Toothless is a fighter. Like no dog I've ever met. He will survive this, you won't lose him."

 He didn't look up, but she slowly felt him start to relax.

Hiccup began to sink into the couch turning slightly into Astrid as she did the same.

Eventually, they both drifted off, their eyes closing as they hoped to Odin that Toothless would be alright.

Oooooo, you were totally expecting something to happpeeennnnn!!!

It didn't.

It can't.

It will.

More to come later!

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