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"HARRY EDWARD STYLES!!! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!!!"I heard Noelle scream from behind me. Oh no!

"Sorry mate. I gotta go" I hung up really fast.

Please don't let Noelle kill me... Please.Please.Please!!

"What.Are.You.Doing."She said sternly. Damn! She looks hot when she's mad. Wait no she doesn't. She's your best mate girlfriend. I said to my self. I can't think that.

"Um... N-nothing!"I responded fast.

"Listen Styles, whatever you heard in my phone call don't tell anyone! Understood?"She whispered. I didn't know what to say so I just nodded. What is so important anyways? She's weird! Weirdo alert!!

"Okay so... I'm gonna go run some errands. Bye!"She said walking out the door.

*N E X T  D A Y*

I woke up by the sound of people screaming. Ughhhh... what's going on?? I went down stairs and heard everyone shouting at Louis. I didn't want to deal with this so I left the house without letting anyone know.

Did Noelle come back last night? I ringed her four times but no luck. Where are you Noelle. Hope you're alright.

I went to look for her in the nearest pub. No luck here. I went to the park. No luck. I walked around the neighbourhood. No luck either. I stopped and sat in a bus bench. Why was she acting weird? Is it because Niall's not here?

Minutes passed by but if felt like hours. My phone started to ring and I answered without hesitation.

"Harry!" I could recognise that voice. Noelle!

"Noelle where are you? I'm worried sick. Why didn't you come back?!"I shouted. I was mad and worried. I promised Niall that I'll take care of her and I broke it.

"Harry, I need you to come where I'm at. I'll send you the address. I'll explain everything you want to know. Just please come right away. Don't let any one see you. Bye..." She said right away. Somehow I heard people's voices in the back. Seriously what is this girl getting into.

Once she send me the address I made my way to the building.


"Harry. Thank goodness you're here!"Noelle cried, embracing me in a hug. I hugged her back and released after a while. Why am I here anyways?

"Um Noelle, what did you call here for?"

"Come with me"She held my hand and led me to another room.


"So, do you agree?"

I did not expect this. Why me? Why not someone else? Noelle and Uncle Si where here waiting for my answer. There was two other guys, but I didn't know know they are.

"Um... My answer is... Yes?" I responded unsure of what I was getting into.

"Good. Welcome on board Agent Styles" One of the strange guys said.

*Present Day*

"Now what do I have to do, again?" I asked Noelle for the millionth time. We had to what up at 2:36 am sharp to be at LAX at 3:15 am. There was no traffic in the freeway so we got there at 3:10 am. We're now in the parking lot with Noelle and another guy around her age.

"Listen very good Styles..."She spoke up and told me what to do. I nod my head by the end understanding every word she had said. The guy first went in with... luggage? Where did he get that from.

Her Name Is Noelle       (Niall Horan Fanfiction) *NO LONGER WRITING THIS BOOK*Where stories live. Discover now