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Noelle's P.O.V

"Noelle. I found something on the internet and I was wondering if you want to watch them with me?"

"Ugh Louis. Why can't you watch them with the other guys" I said annoyed. Lately I've been feeling very moody and I hate it.It's so annoying.

"It's because I found this video. And I think your on it."

"What!? What you you mean I'm in the video."

"I saw a few minutes of it and there was this girl that looked almost like you and Her name was Noelle."

"Let me see."I said placing his laptop on the table.He pressed play and I saw about 9 girls sitting in the stairs of a house. But it wasn't any house. It was the house I lived in with my aunt and uncle and cousins.They where introducing themselves and doing a bunch weird stuff. I don't even remember uploading these videos on YouTube. These videos where made when I was 10 and my friends where 11 or 12.

"These girls are cool. Do you know them?"


"Who are they."

"Well that is me, Leigh-Anne, Jade, Kat, May, April, Shelly, Kara, and Kayleigh.They're my best friends."

"Do you still talk to them? Which one is Ly's mum?"Louis said interested.

"No I stopped talking to them once they went to college and I started my training in the FBI. There, that one is."

"What's her name?"

"Shelly, Louis. Do you even pay attention."

*10 minutes later*

Louis has been watching the videos for along time and he's really quite enjoying it. He's some weird guy.The only thing I'm thinking of is that how did he find this. What is he trying to do?

"Noelle! Where's the next video I can't find it. I.Need.To.Watch.IT!!!!!" He was going nuts. Why am I here with him instead of being in my bed sleeping.

"When was that video uploaded?"I asked.

"I says: December 21, 2011. So that was about um..."he responded reading the screen of his laptop.

"Almost five years ago. A few days before Ally was born.Who could it be?"



"I just realised that in every video you're eating chicken."Louis started to scream causing Liam, Harry, and Niall to wake up.

"Bloody hell, Lou. What is all that noise."Liam said frustrated.

"Noelle ate chicken. I just saw her eating chicken."Louis answered happily.

"Yeah. Like a million years ago."I responded.

"I'm confused where exactly did you see this, Louis?" Harry asked.

"Everyone sit down I need to show you something."

All of the boys and me where watching the video diaries my friends and I made.They laughed at all of the embarrassing things I was doing. They where even shocked on how I had a British accent and how it changed to an American one. Also they couldn't believe I was eating chicken. Buy it wasn't any regular chicken. It was freaking KFC.

I went back to bed and started to cry. I was feeling a bit upset by looking at the old me and my friends. If I was granted one wish it will be to go back in time and relive all the adventure I had with my best friends.After a few minutes I stopped crying and everything went black.

Louis P.O.V

I saw that Noelle stood up and went to her bunk. Maybe she's feeling home sick, she hasn't talked to any of her friends. I don't want her to be upset. We should cheer her up and plan something with the lads to cheer her up. Yeah that's a good idea!

"Hey Lads I think I have found an idea on how to cheer up Noelle."

I explained my plan to the lads and they agreed to my plan.Its going to be the best. Now we have to talk about the details.

"I'm hungry. Let's order pizza."Niall said. When aren't you I said to my self.

"I'm up."I heard Noelle's voice coming towards us.It looks like she has just woken up. Her eyes where red on the outside like she was crying.

"You okay?"Harry questioned looking worried.

"Yeah.Im just feeling a tad homesick."She responded.

"Don't worry. I'll take to Wolverhampton."Liam said.

"No Liam. When I mean 'homesick' is that I miss L.A. It's being my home for many many years now. I just miss my friends a lot. All the adventures I had with my friends, I-I miss that a lot. I just wish to see then once again."

"Don't worry Noelle. Our next stop is L.A. That's where we're having our meeting with uncle Simon.So it will all be great."I added. Hmmmmm. Niall hasn't talked. I wonder why. Maybe he doesn't like her as a friend, my guess is that he fancies Noelle. Looks like someone's in trouble.


Hi everyone.

I just wanna say thanks for reading.

This was a boring chapter. I don't like it much.



Her Name Is Noelle       (Niall Horan Fanfiction) *NO LONGER WRITING THIS BOOK*Where stories live. Discover now