The Celestial Dragon Slayer

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Chapter 10

The Celestial Dragon Slayer

-POV Lucy-

I felt a warmth on my hand and weight next to my body. My eyes slowly began to open. I looked out the window and saw it was night time. 'How long have I been sleeping?' I wondered. I turned my head back and saw Natsu had his hand laced with mine and his head laying on the bed. "Natsu," I started to say, but what shushed. I sat up a little bit and saw the shush came from Porlyusica. "How long have I been here?" I whispered to her. "You've been asleep for four days. That one there never left your side." I looked down at Natsu and smiled. "Rest child, you're going to need it." I nodded in response and fell back to sleep.

I woke up again in the morning. I used my free hand to rub my eyes and playfully scratch the top of the head laying next to my arm. This caused him to start to stir. He lifted his head up and his eyes fluttered open. "Good morning," I said with a huge grin. "Lucy? Lucy!" He threw his arms around my neck. "I missed you so much," he mumbled into my hair. "I missed you too," I said playing with his spiky locks. "Oh, I was told once you woke up I was to give you this key. To use it you need to say 'open Gate of the Celestial Dragon: Atlas." "Atlas? Celestial Dragon?" I questioned. "You'll understand everything once you summon Atlas." "Ok." I took the key and looked at it. It was so beautiful and unique. "Open Gate of the Celestial Dragon: Atlas." A portal opened and a man walked out. He walked to the edge of the bed and bowed, "good morning Miss Lucy. I am Atlas, the Celestial Dragon. Nice to see you again Natsu." I actually pinched my arm to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "Hey Atlas," Natsu waved at him. Atlas slightly laughed and said, "yes this is real. I asked Natsu if he could give you my key so I could explain things to you once you woke up." I sat up more in my bed signaling that I was ready to pay attention. "Just one question before you explain things. If you're a dragon, then first why don't you look like one and second where are the other dragons who disappeared?" "This is my human form. A great trick us dragons have learned. I am a Celestial Dragon. I live in a different world than Earth. What happened to the dragons here will be explained when the time is right." I nodded my head accepting his explanation. "Ok, now to begin with you Lucy, the Celestial Dragon Slayer."

Atlas was great. He explained my past, who my mom was and that he even met her a couple times. The news of being a Celestial Dragon Slayer was very exciting, but also nerve-wracking at the same time. "Atlas do you think I am really strong enough to handle this magic?" "I can tell you are more than strong enough. The magic imbalance your body was going through, I didn't think you were going to wake up so quickly. This magic is one of the strongest dragon slayer magics, along with fire and sky. With your magic increase, you will also be able to summon more than one spirit at a time. Your spirits are also going to help you with your slayer magic. Unlike the other dragon slayers, this magic you were born with. All the knowledge you need is already in you, you just need to bring it out. Your spirits can help you to do that. Now I must return back. Please rest and I wish you the best Miss Lucy. If you are ever in grave danger, please don't hesitate to summon me." "Thank you, Atlas." Atlas turned around and went back through the portal. I sighed and took in this new information. "Natsu," I began, "after I recover we need to stop the master of Grimoire Heart." "What do you mean Luce?" "His plan has nothing to do with my father's company anymore. He wants to resurrect the ideals of Phantom Lord. He wants to make vampires the top race." "I'll go inform Gramps and also let Porlyusica know you're awake. Also, you should thank Loke, I mean Leo. He was the one who brought you here." He kissed my forehead and left. I sighed and looked out the window. Everything seemed so peaceful. I grabbed my keys from the nightstand. I pulled out a gold key and said, "open Gate of the Lion: Leo." "Lucy my dear how are you feeling?" "Good morning Leo. I am feeling much better now. I heard that you helped Natsu and me out, thank you." "It was no problem. I would do anything for you and please you may call me Loke." He bent down to grab hold of my hand and gave it a kiss. "Loke," I began to say, "I was able to meet Atlas. He said that you guys will help me bring out my dragon slayer abilities. How are you going to do that?" "Each one of us will help with a different area of the magic. One will help with the dragon roar, the dragon fist, a sword attack, wing attack, a special celestial attack and you also will have your own healing ability like Wendy does. First, you need to rest up dear Lucy before any of us can help you unlock those." "You're right Loke. I won't be much help if I rush into anything. Thank you Loke, you may go back now." "I'm glad I was able to help my dear Lucy. As far as my contract goes, I will be there anytime you open my gate. I will see you later." After Loke had left, Natsu came back with Makarov and Porlyusica. "Dear, how are you feeling?" Porlyusica asked. "I am feeling great." "My child, Natsu said Grimoire has changed their course of action. Is this so?" "Yes master. Their master told me that he is planning on showing humans the power of the vampire race and he wants to bring back what Phantom Lord was trying to do." Makarov rubbed his chin and said, "I shall send Jellal, since he has connections within the council, and Erza to the council for approval to seek action against them. I will have them say that Grimoire Heart attacked the guild and had kidnapped Lucy Heartfilia. This way the secret is safe and that should be enough grounds for action." Makarov turned and the left the room. "Miss Porlyusica, I was able to speak with Atlas." "Good good child, so he explained everything then?" "Yes. How long do I need to rest?" "I see Natsu is rubbing off on you," she said with an amused smile. Well after looking over your injuries, which have healed at an expedited rate, I would say by the beginning of next week so around 3 days. Just to make sure you are fully well." I sighed, "I guess there's no sense in arguing." I was bummed, but knew if I started to train before I was fully healed I wouldn't be much help against Grimoire Heart. Natsu came over and sat down next to me. He smiled and said, "I get antsy too and hate resting. The old lady over there yells at me all the time for getting up before I am suppose to." He scratched the back of his head as Porlyusica gave him a death glare. "Child never listens to me," she mumbled then walked out of the room.

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