Supercorp Proposal pt 1

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Alex's POV

 Alex's phone dinged, and she looked down to see a text from Kara on her lock screen that read: Lunch with Lena- Don't forget! She smiled, actually looking forward to this lunch date with her sister's girlfriend. She had the feeling that she and this Luthor could be good friends.

Alex gave a quick nod as she walked past Lena's secretary. She smiled to herself as she stood in Lena's elevator going up. Lena seemed to be making her sister so happy. In fact, Alex had never seen her smile this much, and that was saying something, considering that Kara was always smiling. The doors dinged open, and she stepped into Lena's large office to find the woman already waiting for her. There was a bucket of greasy looking fried chicken and a beer sitting in Alex's spot, both of which looked so out of place in the overly organized room that led Alex to believe that Lena had a little bit of OCD.

"Is it ok that I already got food?" Lena asked. "Kara mentioned that you loved chicken, and I thought it would be best to humour you."

Alex gave a friendly smile, which Lena looked almost ecstatic to return, and nodded, moving to sit down. The two ladies fell into easy conversation, most of it revolving around either Kara or work. Alex probably gave away a little bit more about the DEO than the should have, but Kara trusted this woman, and Alex trusted Kara. Alex noticed that the longer they talked, the more nervous Lena seemed to get.

"Is there something you'd like to say?" Alex asked, scrunching up her forehead. "You look anxious. If there is, spit it out before it kills you."

"Uh," Lena's eyes darted around the room, and she blurted out, "I'd like your permission to marry your sister!"

She went red and seemed to slouch, losing any remaining CEO professionalism that she might have had. Alex was shocked at first, but then she laughed.

"You're asking for my permission?"

Lena swallowed and looked Alex dead in the eye.

"The only person who seems to care about Kara more than me is you. And it would mean a lot to me if I could have... your blessing."

Alex thought for a second. She hadn't realized that she would be the one making this call. On the one hand, Kara and Lena hadn't even been dating a year, but on the other hand...

"Of course you should marry Kara," Alex said. "I've seen the way you look at her. You worry about her in a way that only I seem to do. You don't think she's invincible just because she's Supergirl. In fact, you've seen otherwise. And I've seen the way she looks at you. Lena, she loves you so much. You make her smile more than anyone else. You're a part of her family, which makes you a part of my family. Now you just need to make it official."

Lena had not stopped grinning and blushing since Alex had begun to speak. It was kind of endearing how much this seemed to mean to her.

"Thank you, Alex," Lena beamed. "I know it's sudden, but when you know, you just know. I promise to take care of her."

Alex thought of her sister, the literal ray of sunshine with so much optimism and faith in the good of humanity. While these were some of the things that Alex liked most about Kara, they were also some of the things that could cause her pain if some asshole were to take advantage of that. She looked at Lena very seriously.

"I'll hold you to that."

Alex's phone went off again, and she looked down to see an alert from the DEO: Kara managed to get away from CatCo and wanted to train in the Kryptonite cage.

"Work," she explained with a smile.

The two women shook hands, and Alex was off.

"And Lena?" Alex called before the elevator doors closed. Lena looked up. "Thank you. For asking for my permission."

Lena nodded, sending another friendly smile her way, and went back to work before disappearing from Alex's view entirely. Remembering where she was going, what she was doing, and the blonde haired, blue eyed Kryptonian puppy she would be with, Alex was glad that she was so good at keeping secrets. 

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