No Jane Porter

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(A/N this update is really long, so sorry if that bothers you)

Kara had never been to a QT before. It was the nicest gas station she had ever seen. She marveled at all the food around her. Lena grinned at the awestruck alien, moving to the coffee.

"Pick whatever you'd like," she called over her shoulder. "I'm buying. I trust your snack judgement."

Kara grabbed an apple and a Gatorade and headed back over to where Lena was standing. Lena smirked at her.

"Come on, Kara, I know that's not all you want. Seriously, buy whatever. Buy fifty blocks of cheese, I don't care." Kara looked hesitantly at the slurpee machines, and Lena laughed and handed her the biggest cup. "Knock yourself out, love. I'll find a way for you to make it up to me later."

Kara ignored Lena's innuendo and began to skip around the store like a gleeful kid, grabbing fistfulls of candy, muffins, and fruit cups. In all, Lena pays about sixty bucks for all of Kara's snacks. The blonde turned red when she realized that Lena was eyeing her lips with the same hungry look that she'd been eyeing her sour patch kids with. She quickly gathered her grocery bags, took Lena's hand, and pulled her towards the car, anxious to get going. Kara had never been to Disneyland before, and intended to make the most of it.

"Why couldn't we have just taken your car?" she complained, climbing into the passenger side of a beat up light blue rental car. "It has bluetooth."

"I'm not taking my shiny black Prius all the way to LA and parking it in a lot with hundreds of other cars. It's pretty expensive. Just use the auxiliary cord."

"Ok," Kara groaned, plugging her phone into a white cord and playing some Disney music. Lena gave her an amused look. "To get us in the Disney mood," Kara explained.

Lena gave her a quick kiss and said, "You're adorable."

The hour and a half long drive mainly consisted of Kara stuffing her face and belting Disney tunes. Lena was constantly forced to sing the two part songs with her, though Kara could tell she actually enjoyed doing it, especially since when they sang A Whole New World, every time Lena was singing, Kara would put her hand on Lena's knee and stare intently at her, grinning from ear to ear.

Time seemed to fly, and soon they found themselves at the resort they were staying at. Kara jumped out of the car and began to sprint to the front desk, her converse slapping the pavement heavily and her golden ponytail shaking in the wind behind her. Lena checked in and sent Kara up with all their luggage.

"Does she need help?" a bellhop asked.

"I think she's fine," Lena answered, smirking as she thought of Kara's super strength. "She's a lot stronger than she looks."

Kara grinned from inside the elevator, glad that, in addition to super strength, she also had super hearing. It was funny to hear Lena talk about her powers in such a joking way that no one else but Alex ever seemed to do. Upon seeing the king sized bed with the comforter that looked like a cloud, Kara immediately dropped everything by the door and flopped down on it.

"So," Lena said before Kara could start jumping on their bed. "What do you want to do first? We can go to the parks..." She trailed off, licked her lips, and climbed onto the bed, straddling Kara's waist with her thighs. "Or we could hang out here for today and save our park passes for tomorrow and the next day."

She leaned down to give Kara a gentle kiss, not waiting for an answer. Kara tried to deepen it, but Lena pulled away, teasing her.

"That's not fair!" Kara whined, pushing herself up to try and reach Lena's lips.

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