Prison Break

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Kara stood dumbfounded in front of one of the large screens at the DEO, replaying the scene she had just seen on the news over and over again in her head. Lena's mother was out of prison. How she managed to get out was a mystery, but it didn't change the fact that she was.

"Hello, National City," Lena's mother had said, smiling evilly into the camera of a startled newscaster. "Did you miss me? First order of business, revenge on my awful adopted daughter who turned against me and got me locked up. Don't bother following me, dear, or I'll kill you."

She had laughed coldly as she sauntered away, shooting out the camera's lense so that it couldn't follow her.

Kara still had chills. She was going after Lena. Her Lena. Kara knew she wasn't going to let Lillian touch her, no matter the cost. She changed into her Supergirl gear in record time and had her phone in hand, punching in Lena's number.

"Lena, are you ok?"

"Kara," Lena breathed. "I'm fine."

"I'm coming, ok? Hang on."

"No!" Lena yelped into the phone. "It's a trap!"

"I'm aware of that."

"She'll kill you."

"I can't lose you," Kara stated. "I can't. I won't let that happen."

"And I can't lose you." Lena's voice was shaky on the line. "Please, Kara, stay where you are. Tell me that you'll stay where you are!"

"I can't." Click.

Kara launched herself out of the agency as fast as she possibly could and touched down softly on Lena's building. Lena ran towards her, throwing her arms over the Girl of Steel. Kara tightened her grip around Lena, holding her to her chest.

"You shouldn't have come," Lena murmured.

"For once, I agree with my daughter," a cold voice said.

Lillian Luthor stepped into Lena's office, her cruel laughter echoing off the walls of Lena's office. She cocked an alien weapon, aimed it at Kara, and fired. It hit it's target full on, and Kara fell to the ground, her knees seeming to give out from under her. Her entire left side erupted into pain. She felt so weak. Lillian pulled out a single silver pistol from her side.

"You know... guns... don't work... on me..." Kara's breaths came out ragged as she tried to stand, but fell hopelessly back to the ground.

"Correction, dear," Lillian said. "Didn't. You see, that weapon had such a high dose of Kryptonite in it that it literally took all of your powers to keep it from killing you. You're as defenseless as any mere mortal now, and you'll go down like the rest of us."

Lena stepped in front of Kara, her hands shaking.

"Get out of the way," Lillian ordered cooly.

Lena shook her head. "Shoot me, mother. Shoot your own daughter. I'm not going to live without her."

"Lena, no," Kara croaked, surging forward and grabbing hold of Lena's ankles.

"I said move," Lillian tries again. "I don't want to kill you."

"What about your vengeance?"

A small smile played on Lillian's lips. "I see this is vengeance enough."

"No, this is too cruel," Lena responded, keeping herself between Kara and her mother. "This is taking away the one thing that I can't live without, the one thing that I have left after you and Lex took everything from me. So, shoot me, mother. Shoot me first because I'm not going to live without Kara."

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