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Kara called Lena as soon as she left work that evening.

"What should we dress up as for Halloween?" she asked excitedly.

"Whatever you want, love."

"Can we do something from a musical?" Kara squealed.


"Oh! We could go as a Pink Lady and a T-Bird from Grease!"

"Ok, I'll have one of my assistants pick something up."

"No need, I can put everything together. I already have the jackets."


"I'm just a really big fan..."

"Ok, come over here."

"I will! I'm so excited!"

Kara hung up, a huge grin on her face. She quickly got ready, grabbed the jacket for Lena, and flew at top speed to Lena's penthouse apartment. Lena didn't even seem surprised when she knocked on the door to the terrace.

"Have you got any leather pants?" Kara asked, standing there in black leggings, a black t-shirt, and black flats with her pink Jacket hanging off one shoulder.

"You curled the end of your ponytail," Lena commented, walking towards her closet.

"I feel like a princess!" Kara exclaimed. She lay the leather pants, jacket, and a white t-shirt on Lena's bed, inspecting it. "I think either red or black converse would do nicely for shoes." She moved to Lena's bathroom. "For makeup, red lips, winged eyeliner, mascara, nude eyeshadow. For hair, some kind of messy updo."

"Wow, you really thought this through," Lena said, complying with Kara's demands.

"I'm just really happy about this."

"I can tell," Lena grinned, giving Kara a long kiss.

Kara bounced in her seat for the entire ride to Cat Grant's beach house. She couldn't help it. Pure enthusiasm rushed through her veins.

"Y'know, you're adorable when you're happy," Lena told her, placing her hand on one of Kara's bouncing knees.

Kara looked down at her hands, going red. She seemed to spend a lot of time blushing around Lena. However, she continued to fidget happily in her seat. The car soon pulled up in front of Ms. Grant's party. Kara looked up in awe.

The entire house emitted an eerie green glow, and there was a thick fog surrounding it, which snaked around her ankles. Jack-O-Lanterns lined the paved walk-way to the front door, and a skeleton dressed bouncer stood just outside the party. Even more ominous was the giant full moon that hung low in the sky and the sound of crashing waves that could barely be heard over the loud music coming from inside.

Kara stepped forward hesitantly, reaching behind her to grab Lena's arm. She wasn't particularly fond of all things Halloween. Lena slid her arm around Kara's waist and pulled the obviously jumpy girl closer to her. A screeching fake bat swung down from the threshold as the pair entered, and Kara flinched, pressing her face into Lena's chest. Lena chuckled.

"Scared of the creepy crawlies, are we Kiera?" Cat teased, standing by the door.

"Miss Grant," Kara greeted, trying to relax. "You're dressed as a cat?"

Lena snorted, prompting a sharp jab in the ribs from Kara's elbow.

"I see you brought your girlfriend with you, Kiera," she remarked. "Well, I appreciate you coming, nonetheless. Do you know if Supergirl will be joining us?"

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