Another Year Older

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(A/N I watched the new Supergirl episode tonight and where the hell was Lena? I thought she and Kara were supposed to "grow closer", yet here's freaking Mon-El flirting with her, and Kara, poor sweet cinnamon roll Kara, not realizing he's doing it and giving him a fist bump when LENA SHOULD BE RECEIVING THAT FIST BUMP I AM MAD. Anyway, on a happier note, here's Kara being cute and giving Lena the best birthday she's ever had)

 Kara snuck quietly back into the room, smelling like chocolate. She tiptoed over to her sleeping girlfriend, climbed on top of her, and woke her up with a sweet kiss. Lena opened her eyes, seeming surprised.

"Happy birthday!" Kara practically shouted in Lena's face.

She shut her mouth quickly, realizing how loud she was, but grinned at a sleepy and confused looking Lena.

"How did you know it was my birthday?" she yawned.

"Jess told me. You had to know that I was going to find out eventually. Now, come on, I made pancakes!"

Kara scooped Lena into her arms and practically sprinted into the kitchen. She set her down in a chair with a plate of pancakes in front of it, piled high with whipped cream.

"They're not as good as they would be if you made them, but they have chocolate chips in them, so how bad can they be?" Kara babbled merrily. "And I know how much you like strawberries, so I did some research, and it turns out the best ones grow in Japan, so then I flew there last night, and I bought some, and they're on your plate, too, so I hope you like it. Oh, and I also made you coffee, but it wasn't very good, so I went to that Parisian cafe that you like and got you a cappuccino there and used my heat vision to heat it up again."

By the time she had finished, she was out of breath, and Lena was grinning at her.

"Thank you, love, that's very sweet. Also, you've got some whipped cream on your nose right... there." She wiped it gently off of Kara's face.

Kara flushed, a little embarrassed, but perked up when Lena began to praise the food, especially the strawberries. She really did enjoy watching Lena eat strawberries. Perfect teeth would bite down, and red lips would close around the berry, and Lena's face would scrunch up as she made adorable noises of contentment.

"I'm glad your birthday fell on a Saturday this year so that I didn't try to have to convince you to skip work for the rest of my plans," Kara remarked, starting to dig into her own breakfast.

"Wait, there's more?" Lena asked between sips of coffee. "You've already gotten me my favorite food and my favorite coffee. What else do you have planned?"

Kara grinned, thinking about the rest of the day.

"You'll see."


"You rented out an entire movie theater?" Lena was dumbfounded.

"Correction," Kara said. "Supergirl rented out an entire movie theater. The owners were more than happy to oblige, considering I did save this place from burglars a few times and stopped that one alien attack where the poor stranded fellow tried to use the tech here to contact his destroyed home." Kara looked sad as she thought about him, but quickly shook it off. "Anyway, we're going to have a horror movie rewatch! You mentioned that you liked them."

"But you hate scary things," Lena pointed out.

Kara shrugged and took Lena's hand.

"I'm not worried. I've got you to protect me."

About halfway through the first Jason movie, Kara sat on the edge of her seat, absolutely terrified, and began to wonder why she had done this. Then, Lena put her arm around her and pulled her into her side, and Kara remembered why. She spent the rest of the movie with her head turned into Lena's shoulder. That's also how she spent the next three movies in the series. She'd look up every now and then to find Lena smirking at her, and whenever someone would have a particularly violent death, which Lena was aware of from seeing these movies so many times, Lena would bring Kara's lips to hers and try to block out the screams and the visions of squirting blood.

A Super and a Luthor (Supercorp fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant