A Fandom And A Bachelor Pad

Começar do início

"Uh, Ally... My car is actually this way... " I say, pointing in the opposite direction she's heading. She starts to blush furiously.

"Pfft, I know. I was just... Testing you. And, uh,  you passed. So let's go!" she says, but this time she follows my lead. I take her hand and we walk casually to the elevator that would take us down to my car. I press the button, and the elevator whisks us down to the parking area.

"I'm soo tired, can I nap before we have to go to the party?" Ally asks me, stifling a yawn.
I pull her closer to me, smiling.

"Of course, Miss Ally. But first, breakfast. You must be starving." I ask, and Ally nods.

The elevator door slides open, and I can't believe my eyes.

Ten to fifteen kids were standing around my car, admiring it, and trying to figure out who it belongs to. I stop Ally, point at the kids, and whisper: "Shhh, act natural."

We walk closer, and one of the older boys turn around, and recognizes me.

"Guys, it's Max Verstappen, I was right!" the boy exclaims, and runs over to me. The rest of the crowd follows, and suddenly Ally and I are in a fan mob. Everyone is asking questions, wanting autographs on paper or a t-shirt. It use the first boy's marker pen, and sign everything the kids want.

A little girl pushes her way through the crowd of boys, and stops directly in front of Ally. Ally goes down on her knees, and the little girl whispers to her: "Are you his new girlfriend?"

Ally looks up to me, and smiles back at the little girl.

"Not yet, sweetie. But he better ask me soon." She says, and the little girl hugs her.

"What's your name, sweetie?" I ask the small girl.

"Martinique, and you are Max." she says, proud of knowing who I am.

I take off my MV snapback cap, sign her name on it, with a little heart and my autograph. When I hand it to her, her face lights up and she gives me a tight little hug.

"Okay guys, you'll have to excuse Miss Ally and I. We have to get home, but it's been really great meeting you all. Have a great day, and keep pushing, okay?" I say, waving at the kids, and leading Ally to the car.

"Those kids love you, you're like an idol to them. Not bad for a tennis player..." Ally remarks, and we both laugh. I put her bags in the back, and we get into the car.

"Can I play music? I just downloaded Ed Sheeran's two new singles, it's amazing!" Ally says. I hand her the aux cable, and we pull out of the parking lot. We drive for a few minutes, taking the route with the view of the harbor.

"Oh my gosh, look at that view!" Ally exclaims. Yachts were lining the harbor docks, and the ocean was bluer than ever. Monaco, beautiful Monaco.

"We are almost home. I think you'll like it, it's close to the beach, and the night sky is unbelievably clear and beautiful." I say, turning into my driveway.

"Wow, is this where your apartment is? It's beautiful!" Ally's eyes light up. I park the car, we both get out and walk to the foyer. I greet the receptionist, and lead Ally to the elevator. Ally looks out the elevator window, looking out over the ocean. I press the top floor button, and we ascend toward home.

The elevator opens up, and Ally gives an audible gasp.

"Come on, Alls. Mi casa, su casa! Welcome to home for a weekend." I push Ally toward the living room.

"Ooh Italian, very spicy of you, Dutchman. Your apartment is beautiful, and I'm guessing some woman in your life did all the decorating?" Ally asks with a smile. She walks toward the kitchen, and I put her bags down in the hallway.

"Yeah, my mom. Her taste is out of this world, but also in my apartment. I like it, it's very neutral BUT, still homely." I say.

"Let me show you your bedroom. It's right down the hall from mine, so please don't get lost." I add, chuckling.

She follows me, and we enter the room together. You can smell the fresh lilies, and Ally seems to like the room. She runs and plants herself on the bed.

"This bed wants me. I can feel it." she giggles, and I just smile.

"But first, breakfast. You're hungry, and I specially ordered doughnuts. So give me a few minutes, we can eat and then you can get some rest. We only have to be at the party around 3 pm. So I'll leave you to settle, breakfast won't be long." I wink at her, and return to the kitchen.

I start preparing omelets and bacon, and stack the fresh doughnuts on a plate for Ally. My thoughts start wandering to the party, and I start getting excited. Ally is going to be the most beautiful girl there, and I can't wait to show her off.

Before long, breakfast is done, and the table is set and ready for me and Ally. I walk down to Ally's room to call her, but it's dead quiet. I open the door, and find Ally snuggled up in a blanket, fast asleep. She looks so perfect, I can't bear to wake her up. I slowly walk out of her room, shutting the door behind me.

'Ally is here, and safe, and that's all that matters,' I think to myself, taking a bite out of a doughnut.

Texting Verstappen || A Max Verstappen FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora